Friday, October 8, 2010

How Long Is A Woman's Cervix

A company sought me out as a fashion illustrator and has asked me to implement its various figurines textile collection, so I show a couple of sketches fashion illustrations I will send them as evidence to see if you like!

Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Make Cups From Gumpaste


If you like my fashion figurines not miss your chance to get one of my original fashion illustrations! Specifically
draw two sheets of handmade figurines, the first, he used to illustrate the poster, will be drawn from those attending the vernissage the 10th of October that will take place from 20:00 to 22:30 in Pla dels Encants in Calella de Mar.

And the second this air sailor figurine

to be drawn among tod @ sl @ s @ s follower of my blog The Garden of Kipuruki announcing the show in a post on their blogs, for that you only have to leave me in this post the link where you post it.
have from time to October 30 to participate. Sendas

fashion plates are made in ink and watercolor. The dimensions of the sheets are approximately 23x33.
luck to everyone!!