Thursday, October 1, 2009

Intelectron Motion Detctor


violence has been installed in human life throughout the planet and no way to stop it. No government, no army, no religion, no political party or business group capable of defeating the violence in the world. There is no power capable of ending the violence that grows every day, infiltrating all our activities and our privacy. The destructive power of violence that is gripping humanity is becoming more terrible and dangerous. If violence continues to grow rapidly along with its capacity for destruction, the consequences will be disastrous.
Can we change the direction of events portend human calamities of dimensions never known before? This is a huge amount of lethal weapons, nuclear, biological, chemical and conventional power to annihilate life on the planet. This year with the worst global financial crisis, which we all experience the constraints of the recession, he turned to beat the record of investments in weaponry.
We are all responsible for what is happening and we have to make a decision within us. Either we continue to support our government in its arms policy, always justified by the fear and revenge, or join our voice and our feeling that of millions of human beings of different languages, races, creeds and cultures to turn the human consciousness with the light of Nonviolence.
nuclear weaponry has proliferated to many countries, is available to groups outside the control of states. Today its justification as a deterrent or defensive reached the limit of absurdity, and we believe that the only way is Total Global Nuclear Disarmament.
Presidents and prime ministers of the United States, Russian Federation, the Republic P. China, the Republic of France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of India, Pakistan RI, Republica D. Korean People and the State of Israel:
responsibility lies with you this time that decides the future human. You will be the ones to decide between history and prehistory, between humanization and animalization, including a land for all or a world of fear, including a generous land, a contaminated desert. You will be responsible for the social atmosphere that we breathe in the coming years. We moved
, traveling the globe, to strengthen the voice that calls for a humane world. We can no more suffering in our fellow man. We do not want more wars. These attacks were felt in ourselves. In our consciousness has been a change and there is no turning back. It is necessary to dismantle weapons of mass destruction, and convert an economic system that produces poverty, discrimination and death. It is necessary to safeguard life to build a world of equal rights and opportunities for all. We require
pcs. prioritize their defense policies and external relations
• nuclear disarmament worldwide,
• the immediate withdrawal of invading troops from the occupied territories,
• progressive and proportional reduction of conventional weapons, signing
• non-aggression treaty between countries and
• the resignation of governments to use war as a means to resolve conflicts.
will not let the World March for Peace and Nonviolence go unnoticed in us, our families, our people and our world. We will grow this momentum
that connects us with the best of us, each one with the best of human beings.
are thousands, millions and the world will be changed.


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