Monday, December 14, 2009

Email Server Responded 554


On December 10th the Association for Nonviolence Education held a forum coinciding with the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The round table attended by several speakers from various associations

Teachers and volunteers brought different perspectives to better understand the Human Rights

After the roundtable, on the bench exchange students and lecturers their views and proposals

The debate over how to educate in human rights led to an interesting exchange

The round table on Education and Human Rights

Understanding Human Rights and see how they affect daily life was another table discussion

Virginia and Araceli, Education for Nonviolence, on the bench

After the forum we gather to celebrate with the V Solidarity Concert for Ghana and Bangladesh. The concert featured a performance of Martha and Paul Ager

Alberto de Paz is another regular artist at concerts organized for Ghana and Bangladesh

The audience enjoyed the show room

And how could it be otherwise, Alfonso, accompanied here by Robert, delighted us with his songs


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