Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Correct Way To Shoot A Lever Action Rifle

otravez ideas and something to think

Right now I'm finishing SE (stupid elite) the new episode .. and as I see that the use of music in the videos now or it repeats or is already widely used but say they leave pending the rise .. 'll post another entry when I have the link for the EP

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Does Online Roulette Rng Or ?


On December 2 the World March for Peace and Nonviolence arrived at your destination. After traveling 160,000 kilometers across five continents, more than ten thousand people received the team base at the foot of Aconcagua, in Punta de Vacas, Argentina.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cervix Is Soft And Period Is Due In 2 Days?

Twitter to facebook. "Salvation" ..

who do not always remember when you're talking to your friends and it is that asks if you have one of two pages, known as twitter or Facebok, each good for its proper use but say that war is like the typical basketball equipment or consoles (wii vs xbox vs play bla bla bla ..)
say that this is another of the alleged "wars" of the twitter to facebook .. for the readers should know that everyone has their tastes and perhaps everyone should try .. either FB or twitter ... but although the 2 pages
are of the same issue .. each one is good .. if you would join something better ...
the devil! does not matter to those who have twitter .. it .. I also I have although I'm not so fond .. WAS like facebook but I do not like and leave on one side ..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Average Bra Size For Countries


test video

How To Make Neoprene Rubber

the best wiki

a list of wiki but I do best ..


1: wikipedia. com (ovbio)

3: not so good halopedia link: http: / / / wiki / Home

4: Shelter 101 (of fallout wikia) link:

5: Star Wars wiki Link:

6: call of duty: (recommended) Link:

- well are some of the wiki conosco .. conosco more but they help me more when they try to see things related to games

Replacing Fuse In Chris

conosco a good and quick introduction ..

this will be the blog for my productions .. the template you chose is fine for now but here just write these things ..

-name music I use in my videos

-FAQ (frequently ask Issues to)

- anything I come up here ..

- and of course .. make this blog not so lonely .. which has more readers to see everything you put ..