Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cervix Is Soft And Period Is Due In 2 Days?

Twitter to facebook. "Salvation" ..

who do not always remember when you're talking to your friends and it is that asks if you have one of two pages, known as twitter or Facebok, each good for its proper use but say that war is like the typical basketball equipment or consoles (wii vs xbox vs play bla bla bla ..)
say that this is another of the alleged "wars" of the twitter to facebook .. for the readers should know that everyone has their tastes and perhaps everyone should try .. either FB or twitter ... but although the 2 pages
are of the same issue .. each one is good .. if you would join something better ...
the devil! does not matter to those who have twitter .. it .. I also I have although I'm not so fond .. WAS like facebook but I do not like and leave on one side ..


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