Friday, December 31, 2010

Dots In Your Mouth? Sore Stroat? Mono?

Me and a friend went out to spread our brooches and crafts for Barcelona.
We let the little packages with gifts left for others to find them by chance! Chemi

I leave a video of me Kipuruki + Divanitas , distributing Brooches! Making
magas queens through the streets of Borne and the Gothic!

The video was edited to Divanitas Patri: D

I leave also the text of my gifts:

If you find me and I want I'm yours.
Quitapenas I'm a doll! Use me
snap on your coats, your scarves, handbags and I will report your joy.
Kipuruki My name is and you know more than me if you want to go and show my mom that I found is optional.
I totally made by hand, I felt I compose, silicone, fabric scraps, ribbons, buttons and lots of love.
@ I hope you're not alergic to any of it.

See you next year! HAPPY 2011! : D

PD: Purpose for the year property:
be more wrong!
Let the good go to heaven and bad everywhere! : D

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Newborn Sounds Flemmy


It was really not up for it by printing the background pudieseis put in your blogs.
wanted them to have risen by 25 December as a gift for everyone s you but ... : P The Safe Creative at times causes me some ...¬¬
But better late than never! So here you have two prints that I titled and LOVE COLD WINTER BIRDS

If you like these patterns of repetition Blog background you can use them for yours! Just give
rights to these pictures for use in blogs, can not be used for other purposes.
Soon we will announce where you can buy fabrics kipuruki to use in your crafts.
The images that you can download for use on your blogs, I will hang in the http://kipuruki.blogspot.c om / p / downloads.html
Please let me dejarais commented on it with a link to your blog if you use the prints.
For use you must apply as a mosaic in the background options blogger, if you want them look smaller reasons you must change the format while maintaining the same proportions.
For example if the image is 20x24 change it to 10x12.

Friday, December 24, 2010

What I Should Not Eat When I Have Red Spot

Kolico - There is something great to be nothing (2010)

New Kolico, following a similar line of his first album, they give their pitch to Punk-Rock from Benicalap combative.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mount & Blade Seriennummer Kostenlos


Lucky in love, unlucky in the game.
Anyway I can not complain! ^ ^

As Christmas and are full of Christmas spirit I have to do a drawing that consists of two parts.

1 st As I always do the first message I posted in this blog entry will take a pack with two snaps transfer illustrated on felt, one of an owl and chilly another bird that announces the draw ... and one more surprise ^ ^
The result will give the 25 December.

2 ª The second part of the draw, will draw another lot of snaps bird + Owl Shuttle on felt that announce the day of Reyes. So for the second part you have time until January 5.

The rules:
1 You must be a follower @ s blog:

2 Leave a comment with your e-mail and blog (You must be public profiles)
3 Advertise this contest in your blog.

LUCK to everyone!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Unlock Bag Combination


I made a small Christmas card with my illustrations of owls chilly, to congratulate all parties. Hope you like! While in the other hemisphere is summer: P
Soon I will show you these Owls as brooches are illustrated in a collection that will be called OWLS COLD custom made.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Equation To Findpossible 2 Digit Combinations


I have heard several e-mail asking for advice for make cameos illustrated. So I decided to make this small entrance to leave you a little mini cameos illustrated tutorial.
images that are not spoiled with adhesives and coatings must be printed on photographic paper, as to be thicker and not transparent satin, because if you test it with a normal image folio drowns.
I use to set the image to normal glue bar cameo.
And finally you have two or decorative obciones usasis a cabochon GLASS the exact diameter as cristalizais cameo or a lacquer or resin crystallizing 3-d such as 3D GLAZE DIAMOND Judi-Kins

Anyway that is very easy, you just have to be careful with the crystallizing resin application, you can not give volume at once, you have to go give layers little by little to get the volume you desire because if it does not crack.
crystallizing resin
It also serves to crystallize lacquering and other creations of the cameos, such as whether the aplicáis on fimo, sculpey, wood, ceramic, felt ...

I hope this small contribution or mini-tutorial will be useful and to remind you that even I Draw You can join a shuttle pin on my illustration sculpey BEAR GIRL! To go to the draw click HERE

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wedding E-mailers Samples

Tenpel - La Sangre de Pegaso ( 2010)

Blood Pegasus. Spirit name, essentially indefensible.

Eleven years of battle astride Rocinante and Babieca have brought us this second star that shines between our eyebrows. Pegaso rugged black and steel was the answer to the question, the footprint on the sand, vertigo before the abyss ... the road and the track. All

top illustrious if Pegasus is sealed, and we, strong we where Pegasus has been uploaded. Tenpel presents "The Blood of Pegasus", as always, making our own, making it yours.