Friday, December 31, 2010

Dots In Your Mouth? Sore Stroat? Mono?

Me and a friend went out to spread our brooches and crafts for Barcelona.
We let the little packages with gifts left for others to find them by chance! Chemi

I leave a video of me Kipuruki + Divanitas , distributing Brooches! Making
magas queens through the streets of Borne and the Gothic!

The video was edited to Divanitas Patri: D

I leave also the text of my gifts:

If you find me and I want I'm yours.
Quitapenas I'm a doll! Use me
snap on your coats, your scarves, handbags and I will report your joy.
Kipuruki My name is and you know more than me if you want to go and show my mom that I found is optional.
I totally made by hand, I felt I compose, silicone, fabric scraps, ribbons, buttons and lots of love.
@ I hope you're not alergic to any of it.

See you next year! HAPPY 2011! : D

PD: Purpose for the year property:
be more wrong!
Let the good go to heaven and bad everywhere! : D


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