Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Internal Calf Swollen

Habeas Corpus - All or nothing (2011)

Finally Here we have the new of Habeas. All or nothing is the title of his new work, which has already generated considerable debate among the public that follows the band and why until now only two songs could be heard in advance. There are criticisms of any kind, if softer now that if they have become kalimotxeros, if sold, on the other hand ... some say that the change in their sound has been for the better, or that the letters are still outstanding.

My personal opinion is that they have lowered the level of recent records, a group as Habeas Corpus must demand more. Still, there are a few songs I like and I find profitable, while there are others whose style does not hit anything with Habeas me. Anyway, the criticism of the type "they are sold," resemble Spears "etc ... I think they are totally out of place.

The group seems to have taken a joke criticism toward the disk and have released this cartoon: (click on the cartoon to enlarge)

direct download Here you have the disk has generated much controversy:

Monday, January 24, 2011

To Love Ru Trial Trouble Help

Hack - Start Over (2010) [COMPILATION]

Here I leave this compilation that have been prepared to Hack. Note also that within the group's final tour, will tour Mexico. His farewell concert will be in March in Leon. You have more information about the tour group website

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Average Tips For Bonefish Bartenders

Infinity - 100% ( 2010) New music video Termofrigidus

new album of the Infinite. Rap-Metal from Pucela good, we expected to win this new job and here he is, and present themselves to us:

Finally! The wait has been forever, but here we have our shoot. We hope that this 100%, many hours of sleep that has robbed us, do not disappoint and it compartáis with as many people as possible.

As announced a few months ago, the CD contains 10 tracks (one instrumental) and can be purchased for 5 euros from our social networks Myspace, Facebook or Tuenti and through our email infinite-metal @ hotmail. com. Also, very soon will be available in shops and bars of Valladolid, Burgos and where we stop.

This work brings a copyleft license under his arm. That is, we as architects of this work, we allow the free dissemination by any means without profit as long as they recognize our responsibility. Or what is the same, that pirateéis disk and give them to Teddy, Ramon and other ilk of SGAE. However, if you buy the original compact we'll be taking a cable to go in this music increased technical capabilities and logistics.

LISTEN AND / OR DOWNLOAD 100%: http://www.jamendo.com/es/album/81435

In short: enjoy the album, promovedlo if you like and go for the culture of the copy-left. Do not let the sharks take advantage of your work!

Direct Download -> Infinity - 100% (2010) [Download By Rapidshare]

Infinity Myspace

Friday, January 14, 2011

Kohl's Snowflake Necklace 2010

Introducing the new music video Termofrigidus recorded in our rehearsal room and around the city of Valencia on December 18, 2010 by Xus Pagan and the Los Mataria Productions Under license Creative Commons, who has been director of the latest video clips from The Pulcheria has put the monkey to give birth to slaughter the song "The Geeks" and turn it into an adventure of the most uneven. We hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bond Angles Clf2- And Clf2-


In his melodramatic acting the abuser will always blames everything. Everything is your fault. Your opinion does not count because according to him (or her) just say nonsense and make you feel stupid making fun of your inability to understand them.

-Elen ... Damn ...! I'm talking seriously ... Do not give me nonsense. That is something important to me. That to me is life ... Elen ... What you do not understand? Do not you realize? Do you know how bad it makes me feel?

- You can take this more seriously fuck? That I need your support! Or do not you see?

- Elen I love you ... Do not you see? ... You're not seeing ... is that you learn! And you will realize and when you find out will later.

If there is a crutch that I hate are like: - "Do you understand? You know? Do you understand me? "- It's like being thrown into your face as you are clumsy and insecure people is typical of seeking approval. Such phrases what transpires is something like: - Did you hear stupid or do I have to repeat more slowly?

Miguel every few minutes telling me - I do not understand! You're missing! Do you understand me? Are you listening? Do you not see it reasonable? Do not you see it better? pearls and other groups.

Miguel started very slowly as if he does not want the thing to get sentences like this, until it became more and more common in their vocabulary and was even expanding them with phrases like: Do not think ...! You have no brain ...! You're missing ...! You're a brat! Who sleeps with girls girls get up!.
came a point that I said them several times a day. I was pissed with him said he had no right to talk like that. He shielded that if I was not foolish, for he was sure it was smart, I would have to catch me wrong, because it was only a way of speaking without importance, it was a matter of nerves, it was stupid that I take it the wrong way, because he really thought so.

On one occasion I even echo the face to me was really hard to talk, not listen to him and that I take seriously what I said. This was not only evidence that it was a brat.

approached me that day: - We need to talk ...! - Another of his famous phrases after which he kept eternal silences, as if the thing were a matter of the highest international and feared secret spy us. As noted by Pindar: "Often what that print is silent over what is said "

We sat on the terrace and began to complain: - Elen I'm really bad at work and I think I'll leave it ... What do you think ... ?

That's because as I took the decision this would be done and if it was wrong to blame would be all mine. Then I let out a humorous grace on the subject in question, I can not remember which, and he exploded: - See how it's impossible to talk to you ... Sure as you do not take anything seriously ...! And then you complain that you call to see Elen brat ... Can you be at you have to be ...? Can you be by what I say? Or do not you come into your head that I'm really bad at work and I need support, they need to hear me and give me a solution ...? Elen never hear what I say ...! That shit always loose Why do not you talk like a normal person ...? Why do not you take the issues seriously? Elen I'm really bad and you let me go by ... Elen to see if you learn to think ... Damn ... it's not that hard! I come home knackered and do not receive your support. Elen we're a couple and do not look ... I can not talk to you! Do not you hear! Not hear me ...! You know how lonely that makes me feel that ...? Do you know how I feel? Elen to see if mature please, I can not go on like this ... I need a partner, I need you to think like an adult that I can sink, I'm bad, I get nothing good that a pillared depression go on and you can not tell ... Elen I need a partner not a brat.

graphic novel project

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Color Shirt Goes With Light Grey Suit

Skontra - Mazcando miseries (2010)

new album of the Asturian Skontra, remains more or less the line of his previous works, so if you're into folk-punk, you'll like it!

I can download from here and from his own website .

Monday, January 3, 2011

Replacement Plastic Decorations

Preview -> Habeas Corpus - O All or Nothing (2010)

On January 25, hits the streets as new Habeas Corpus. For now here's a preview of what that will mean the disc. They are 2 full songs and 29 seconds of each of the songs that make the CD ... Although he was well, and has generated internet forums many opinions. I for now I'll keep mine until you hear the entire disc, but what we think is coming back to give a twist to their sound. For my could be Justice and taken another would make me salivate ... but the truth is, if not reinvented for each new job ... Habeas Corpus would not.

Here you can listen to two songs integrate breakthrough:

fragments of all the songs you can hear from this link:

The following link you have all the latest previous ( the two songs and fragments) to download:

What Do You Get A Stroke Patient Gift

brat AND EVERY TIME vomit God kills a kitten The Magic Queens

As another new year's resolution I have created a new blog on a graphic novel I'm doing about abuse, bullying and consequences based on my own experience in these matters.

I leave the image of the blog header

And the first sketch I made for the cover in case some day come to edit.

Title VOMITING WHENEVER GOD KILLS A KITTEN is because a friend who knows my passion for cats and my problems with bulimia to avoid to vomit I said
- Every time you throw God kills a kitten.
wondered how many times I even had vomited a day and then sent me pictures of kittens and today told me you killed two ... three ...