Thursday, March 31, 2011

Zankou Chicken Healthy

SN - Theory and Practice of the absurd (2011)

work of SN from Terrassa. Some time ago we published your hard Psikodrama Vol III, who liked around here. Now this Theory and Practice of absurdity musically seeks to overcome his predecessor's work and believe that it succeeds.

How To Hide Pipes From Basin

The most recent published in HA (31/03/1911)


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Newest posted on the web conuco Making Soul:
School of Art (31/03/1911)

Foam Born (11/03/1931) Dear

Elf dream (11/03/1931)

playing and learning. Amaranth ... (31/03/1911)

Dolphin (31/03/1911)

Leissam Text your friends from class (03/31/1911)

Má , s on Ecoart (03/11/1931) Workshop

water from Ecoart (11/03/1931)

The month of March in Ecoart project in eastern Cuba (GALLERY PHOTO)

From the Schola Cantorum Coralina (11/03/1931)

My flag, the memory (03/11/1931)

To commemorate World Theatre Day (31/03/1911)

... to involve others in the society (31-03 - 11)

Day Municipal Circles of Interest (03/11/1931)

Importance of water and coincidences (11/03/1931)

From Development, after the path Slave (11/03/1931)

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Text and photos prof. Orlando José González Sáez.

As part of activities to commemorate the 2011 International Year of African descent and not to forget tragedies like slavery, which caused much pain and death on both sides emerging Atlantic is the second edition of Project on Transatlantic Slave Trade or Slave Route in which participating schools in the three continents involved in the bitter affair, which still occasionally shows his scars: Europe, Africa and America.

Wha they are the objectives of this major international project of UNESCO?

- Establish a triangular network of UNESCO Associated Schools in Africa, America / Caribbean and Europe to develop activities that reveal causes and consequences of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
- Increase knowledge on the slave trade as a human tragedy and thus shape attitudes of solidarity, fight against all forms of modern slavery.
- increase intercultural dialogue and systematic exchange and research projects between participating schools.
- Knowing and preserving historic sites associated with slavery, including the sites inscribed on World Heritage List.

How was slavery in Development?

Development was founded in 1536 and its main source of income was farming, slavery in our community was largely domestic.
The slave population once numbered between 500 and 600 slaves who worked primarily in two sugar mills that existed at that time.
In the municipal museum pieces are presented regarding this issue found at sites near the town as shackles and traps that resemble the cruelty with which slaves were treated.

Some of the activities in the school are:

- Insert the literature of the project in the subjects of History and Art of Cuba.
- Conference municipal historian with the issue of slavery in Development.
- Visits to the municipal museum, which displays materials relating to slavery in our community.
- Working in the workshops of artistic expressions of African art (paintings, poems, songs, dramas, dances, and sculptures).
- identificationand analysis of bibliographies.
- Conducting research on slavery in Cuba, Trinidad and Development, collection of books and newspaper articles that address the project topic.
- Video-debates on slavery in its various forms.
- Establishing links with local folk group.
- Conference of President of the Institution of Cuba Yoruba Cultural Development.
- Research and exhibitions about diet or food of the slaves and their legacy to Cuban culinary culture.
- Disclosure of our experiences through radio, local TV and Web sites in Cuba and the world via the Internet.
- I made contact via email with excellent schools in:
- Portugal. ES de Sá da Bandeira
Santarém - Spain. Holy Family School. Zaragoza
- Cape Verde. Ensino de Assomada Center.

and future plans we have in mind ...

- Increasing exchanges with partner schools in Cuba and the world to develop the project "The Slave Route."
- Literature and Art Contest "Slavery a crime without punishment"
- Visit to a site of memory. Trinidad and the Valley of the Sugar Mills.
- Participation of two students and two teachers National Workshop on the Slave Route project planned for 24 and March 25 next, in Villa Clara.
- Preparation of a CD which will collect the experiences of this project to send to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

For the curious.
Did you know ...

- The Transatlantic Slave Trade lasted about 400 years and was one of the most tragic chapters of history that affected millions of men, women and children years.
- August 23 was declared International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition.
- Key dates of the abolition of slavery.
- The first country to abolish slavery was Haiti in 1793.
- Cuba does between 1880 and 1886.
- and eliminate the last nation in Mauritania in 1981 was Amazing is not it?

this Friday as part of the activities of the week on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave, 25 March at the ESBU "Martyrs of the Romero Family" were made rather a large number of activities and actions in order to give life to the project and involve everyone in taking an attitude of respect, tolerance, love for our fellow comprensióny, banishing forever and our minds and our everyday attitudes, discrimination based on race, sex, religion, sexual orientation , physical or mental disability.
Among the actions undertaken are:

Exhibition of drawings, dramatizations, interpretation of songs, dances, all of them showed a desire to make our modest contribution to realize the titles of the projects we carry out with the partner schools and that the title of this work is now almost done reading: OPENING DOORS, closure, BREAKING THE SILENCE. PRESERVING THE MEMORY, IDENTITY BUILDING. **********************************************


From the tree of life "Importance of water and matches ....

Before addressing the issue, which is the water situation today, I want to make a match, which seemed curious, in the ephemeris environment. It happens that there are three memorials related to the environment that take place on 22, in consecutive months. These are:

March 22 (1992) World Water Day.
April 22 (1970) World Earth Day.
May 22 (1994) Day International Biological Diversity.

all know that water is essential for the life of all species on this planet is, since the formation thereof, without doubt, the only natural resource that is related to all aspects of human civilization, such as: health, agriculture, industrial development, the allocation of cultural and religious values \u200b\u200band the influence on lifestyles.

The presence of large amounts of water on Earth, call it the Blue Planet has made us forget that this resource is finite, renewable and VERY unevenly distributed in space and time, usually, so not concordant with the needs. For example, the water in the region of Latin America accounts for 26% of existing in the world and in Venezuela and Paraguay while the average available water per capita per year amounts to 60,000 m3, in Peru and Mexico, the average per capita availability is less than 7,000 m3 per year, with variations even within each country, region region.

Mother Nature, through the Water Cycle, I believe the mechanism replacement necessary to minimize loss of fluid, but water pollution by different agents, has caused the deterioration of its quality, in fact almost always caused by human action.

The main problem with the water resources at present, not only lies in the quantity available, but the quality and accessibility.

is no coincidence that among the Millennium Development Goals of the UN (Goal 7) is proposed within the theme of the environment:

ü Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe water and basic sanitation.

This Objective seen from the human perspective and its impact on people beyond the numbers, is extremely important because it would mean that approximately 2 000 million more people would benefit , an of these services are fundamental to life, for now:

- About 1 200 million people lack safe drinking water according to the UNESCO.

- About 2 400 million people lack access to basic sanitation, resulting in poor living conditions that afflict children in developing countries, according to reports from World Health Organization (WHO)

This goal, if met, would have a significant impact on quality of life of people. However, given the current turbulent and complicated, it is difficult to find resources for the realization of this objective globally.

rational water use both in all spheres of economic, is vital to the survival of the planet. Reflect and with an open mind, seek alternatives and solutions there, where we are, in our place, keeping each and every one of us a responsible attitude. -------------------------------

Posted by: Mr. Alba Camejo Tree of Life Coordinator
Phone: 2028061
Logo Design: Rayner Domingues Fong.

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Children Community Project Reforesting Ando, \u200b\u200bschools Francisca Navia and Bartolome Maso, Cerro municipality, participated in the Day Municipal Circles of Interest in their municipality, which exposed the medical utility of some Majagua plants like the hibiscus and Marilope so common in our parks and sidewalks, as well as the same use of garlic and Laurel, which always sleep in our kitchen or mint, perhaps in a pot or in the garden.
also unveiled the benefits of fruits such as Mango and Coconut.
Something that could not miss, bringing you to present a message on World Water Day and the care they deserve this finite resource, and the importance of the tree, fastened only to conserve forests and help the planet and its inhabitants.
This activity, which was also attended elementary schools in Cerro municipality, school was held in Jose de la Luz y Caballero on Saturday afternoon March 23. Sandra

Rivalta -Ando

Reforesting-Cerro, La Habana, Cuba, ...

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Allegue Pérez De Yailena
Making Friends of Souls : Finding your site
felt a thrill to see that there are still human beings and caring, concerned of involving others in society. I admire them for creating a cultural project for children and young Cubans, promoting the fruits of their creations. Thank you for creating this (in my opinion) very important project. I like to work with the same divugando the events taking place in my town.

Soraya C. Sequera
smsc.cultura @

--------------------------- Dear Ludwig, I am pleased to greet you and a lot more than we are virtual friends. The image is so beautiful as to represent your love for the planet and your great sensitivity. Give back your greeting warmly, gets a hug from the forge of souls and maker of dreams. From Venezuela thanks. Soraya Sequera C

De Juana Garcia
------------------------------ all users and users of this important site. I greet a friend from the first capital Amazonas State, San Fernando de Atabapo. And continue reaping many fans of his productions. This friend is a Grandee of educational supervision in the framework of the Cuba - Venezuela.

De Melo
always look the time to read what I comes, I read everything and then read or copy. And despite all my heart as much work, time to get the emails. When you have mail at home, and I hope soon I will try to follow more the comunicación.Saludos. melopj.

*********************************************** ********************************* Soledad Benages


Dear Friends Again By Almas
I join you to celebrate World Theatre Day. Shipping
To this end, the two international messages this year have been released. A hug


Message of World Theatre for Children and Youth 2011
By Eva Bal (20 March) ------------------

------------- Children ... Theater ... Theatre for children ... How
what is this?
going on have a fascinating idea,
bright as the morning sun.
it's yours and you are happy.
sudden going over plans and how to achieve them.
indecisióny going on nightmares and panic
Fear of failure,
thought that everything you've done so far has been more than just luck. It's about walking alone

and the challenge of leaving the road,
because you know you will create your own,
going on success, never the end.
goes on to say 'hello' to the chaos,
because you know that helps you move forward.
It's about listening and hearing the child
telling his story in his hands (not his voice).
going on watch and observe
people in the bus stop, the beach, the hospital ...
stop the world going on in their turn
While you link your arms around someone. It's about destroying
vested interests.
It's about a boy,
in the middle of nowhere, shouting his name.
going on you because you

-call your name loud and clear-
and hear it. Eva
Bal. Founder and director, Kopergietery Ghent, Belgium

Post World Theatre Day 2011 by Jessica A.
Kaahwa (27 March) ----------------------------------------

The meeting n today is a true reflection of the immense potential of theater to mobilize communities and bridging differences.
Have you ever imagined that the theater could be a powerful tool for peace and reconciliation? As nations consume colossal sums of money in missions peace in areas of the world in violent conflict, little attention is given to the theater as an alternative PROCESSING individualized for conflict management. How can citizens of Mother Earth to achieve universal peace as the instruments used for this come from outside powers and apparently repressors?
Theatre subtly permeates the human soul gripped by fear and suspicion, altering the image they have of themselves and opening up a world of alternatives for the individual and therefore for the community. Can give meaning to daily realities while preventing an uncertain future. You can take part policy in ways simple, direct. To be inclusive, the theater may have experience capable of transcending common misconceptions.

addition, the theater is a proven means to advocate and introduce ideas that we hold collectively, and why we want to fight when they are violated.
Anticipating a peaceful future, we must begin to use peaceful means to seek to understand, respect and recognize the contributions of each human being in the process lead to peace. The theater is the universal language by which we can send messages of peace and reconciliation.
Actively involving the participants, the theater can deconstruct preconceptions that many souls, and thus gives the individual the opportunity to be reborn to make choices based on knowledge and facts rediscovered. For the theater thrive among other art forms, we must take a strong step forward to incorporate into everyday life, trying pressing issues of conflict and peace. Looking
social transformation and reform communities, the theater exists in war-torn areas and among people who suffer from poverty or chronic illness. There is a growing number of success stories where the theater has managed to mobilize audiences to build awareness and assist victims of post-war trauma. Cultural platforms such as the International Theatre Institute, which aims to "consolidate peace and friendship among nations" and have no existence.
is therefore a farce to keep quiet in times like ours, knowing the power of theater, and let carriers of weapons and bomb triggers are the guardians of peace in our world. How can the tools of alienation also be instruments of peace and reconciliation?
urges them in this World Day Theater to think of this perspective and to advance the theater as a universal tool for dialogue, social change and reform. As the United Nations spends colossal sums in peacekeeping missions around the world through the use of weapons, an alternative theater is spontaneous, humane, less expensive and more powerful.
may not be the only answer to bring peace, but the theater should probably be incorporated as an effective tool in peacekeeping missions.
- Jessica A. Kaahwa -
Translation: Diana Melamet
Kaahwa Jessica has a long and varied career in research and design of the methodology of participatory communication for development. Currently teaches in the departments of Theatre Arts at the University of Makerere, where he also received his master. He earned his degree at the University of Benin, Nigeria, where he also worked as an announcer in the Foreign Service - Radio Nigeria.

She has continued to experiment with the theories to expand the discourse on theatrical practice. A good example is his recent experimentation with "Theatre of personal meaning" and "communication Conflict Theater." Currently working on the integration of theater in therapeutic practice.

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From Juanita Warren

Dear Friend: As promised here is the work of Bonifacio Byrne. I offer it
unprecedented in the hope that children can read and young people especially. Thanks for your attention

My greetings

Juanita Warren ---------------------------
Cuban poet,
writer and cultural promoter.
Pag Web: Blog
Sol Inside:
-------- ----------------------------------------

My flag, in memory
- --------------------------------------
's been 150 years since the birth of the poet Cuban Bonifacio Byrne, author of "My Flag" poetic text in the course of time has been recorded so indelible in the memory of generations of Cubans.

Today more than ever, we must think in the 400 years of colonial domination on the island and in our struggles to get rid of that liberating opresióny win true independence and sovereignty Homeland.

would be interesting, on this occasion back to the year 1899.

For some historians, one of the most complex moments of our history. The struggle for independence from English colonialism, which had cost so many lives was threatened by the intervention of the United States and its current annexation, that was already quite voraciously. The liberating army marginalized and the Cuban people, based on a ethical and patriotic body bequeathed by our great thinkers: Varela, Luz y Caballero, Céspedes, Agramonte, José Martí, Gómez and Maceo, the founders of our nation, ready to defend their historical right to be independent and sovereign.

is in this important moment, when Bonifacio Byrne, returns from exile to which he was convicted. Upon reaching the Cuban coast in Morro seen waving the American flag. Such was the outrage! And he wrote these verses burning Cubans have never been forgotten:

Upon returning from distant shores / soul with mournful and gloomy / eager searched my flag / and one I've seen besides mine! /.

was not just a poem. Was the feeling of a nation after a long struggle that saw threatening objective of creating a free and independent state.

In the final analysis, the patriotic poetry of colonial times is that, it's complaint is an expression of all the anguish left us forever enslaved country is rebellious, from José María Heredia to Byrne, sometimes transparent, adversarial, sometimes allegorical, but substantially brave and necessary.

patriotic poetry during the war, walked with our history, from other banks or within the field redeemer, persecuted, abused, without fear of death.

That is the great value of the poem "My flag." No need to enter literary considerations, the importance of the text is in its content, the essence of the message, the symbolic force that supports it.

With only this poem, the bard to glory and was forever in the memory of our people.

Bonifacio Byrne, was born in Matanzas in 1861 of Irish descent on his father's. He died in 1936. His home province has experienced Eminent proud of her son.

was a cultivated man. From an early age showed interest for writing. Local newspapers published her first pieces. Very young

frequented literary circles and was really well known, especially after Julian del Casal, knowing his first book of poems entitled: Eccentric, 1893 said: , that the poet had interrupted the monotonous tone of Cuban poetry until then. " Casal saw something refreshing in the verses of Matanzas.

War of Independence broke out. Things get complicated. Repression intensifies.

On the occasion of the execution of Domingo Mujica, hero and martyr of separatism, Byrne writes a passionate sonnet.

After this text, and Byrne was not only the poet of the literary circles, but the man did not sit well with the authorities. The vibrant sonnet, which led to the sad condition of exile. He left Cuba. Tampa was reader in tobacco. Worked hard to support our cause of liberation, he wrote So Nicholas Hall called him "the poet of the war."

His antislavery sentiment was demonstrated, inter alia, in "The dream of the slave", a sonnet which transcribe the last two triplets:

is sleeping Ora / Take care / Those who rush you cross from your side / No voice vibrating in your presence! /.

/ Let the sleeping sad end / and not awake, for whom know! / if the unhappy slave dreams that are free!

was the Matanzas, a learned man, dabbled in poetry with various texts, journalistic prose, drama, and left unpublished novel and a book of poetic narratives and other works .

Byrne was a sensitive man of innovative ideas.

Casal not mistaken, by those words to make on the first book of the author of My flag.

Cintio Vitier, fair trial makes this figure of our history and of Cuban poetry:

"We do not, says Cynthia, that in the Byrne after the Republic, the Analogy and furniture, was a modernist frustrated by the political imperative of the country, or that his best place was the poet of the war. Instead, the main virtue of this author, seems to lie in the isolated, mysterious, irreducible to school accent, whose singularity, in the midst of a detailed works, unrefined as the poet points out and more importantly the period from Casal to Boti and rather call, by the delicacy of his shadowy associations, the poet of privacy. "

The case of "My Flag", requires a very precise analysis. Answer this text at the time, the historical moment when it was written, in a known pick the poet, in fiery verses national sentiment, absolutely collective, even today, exists between us.

Cintio Vitier say is like "the last song of patriotic emotion genuine and affectionate in tone coined by our revolutionary poets."

was the exact moment of our history, that after great efforts to win independence soberaníay our island, we saw the same threat, by the voracious maw of the giant seven leagues, as Martí had wisely predicted.

Byrne came from exile with his flag, full of memories, nostalgia, full. Its flag, the most beautiful, the shroud that had served to so many brave soldiers who died defending it.

would come from exile, with the proud flag for his country brave, the banner that never was mercenary, that of a single star, the sun lights up the plain, at sea and in the mountains. When Homeland top, with those feelings at bay is waving another flag other than yours, and that the poet, the patriot, the Cuban revolutionary, creates those fiery verses are repeated over the years for our children, our youth and all who had the honor of being in that unforgettable concentration of 26 October 1959 against the former Presidential Palace after the triumph of the glorious first of January, when united, we repeat the chorus, along with the Commander of the Revolution Camilo Cienfuegos, the last lines of emblematic tico text:

/ If broken into tiny pieces / flag becomes my someday / our dead lifting the arms / the defense know yet! /.

"My flag" rather than a poem, is a symbol a hymn, and a cry, which is still alive and alert in the memory of our people.

time does not matter, what matters is the unstoppable force of ideas and unwavering conviction to overcome. FIN

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CORALINA From the Schola Cantorum, in
March 2011 ...... Dir

Alina Orraca

On March 5, Coral gave a concert packed house for the reopening of the Church of Our Lady of Mercy and St. Joseph Bauta, a place that once served as a rallying point for many of the most important artists and intellectuals of the pre-revolutionary Cuba, members of the Origins, and where they can still be original or Mariano René Portocarrero, author of the Via Crucis is displayed in the temple.

On Saturday 12, in the Oratorio San Felipe Neri, the Schola Cantorum Coralina participated in a tribute that was given to the great Cuban composer Alejandro García Caturla , where he played some of his most famous compositions.

March 13, and as usual, Coralina participated in the cultural evening held in honor of fallen on March 13, 1957 in the failed assault on the Presidential Palace. Attended by leading members of the Political Bureau, headed by Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada.

Reef On Saturday 19 were added, along with a large group of artists, the tribute that provided the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba teacher's teacher Elvira Fuentes. Alexandra Garcia

Schola Cantorum Coralina

PR Phone: 8631935, 052540648

March 2011 ***************************************** *************************************** From
CUBANIQUEL Moa, Holguín, Cuba, ...

"The March 18 workshop was held with the participation of water more than 60 people, the office of the maintenance management Service Company to the Union of Nickel. It was attended by specialists from the Environment of different entities of the organization and the organization itself CUBANIQUEL mentioned, this also the direction of CITMA in the municipality and the municipal CPC. In addition the direction of the service company to the Union indicated above Nickel was also present. Child and adolescent participation was given by students at the elementary, secondary, polytechnic and university of physical culture. Also present

teachers and teachers in addition to the guest workers of the sponsoring entity.

The workshop was presented papers on the subject of water and open mineríaa by specialists invited entities of the organization CUBANIQUEL, savings, consumption, proteccióny quality were also issues recurring s involved in each one of the posters presented too. Photos and information statistics were reflected in the poster for more knowledge and dissemination of the work that had been made to provide a sustainable use of water resources in the organization in different productive activities that is used the precious liquid. Moreover children and young people presented their work through various forms of art called for it, music, art, poetry and stories. The hall where was held the workshop was officially declared as Environmentalist, which undertake this kinds of events involving members of the program each year Ecoart. Among

Environment specialists who shared with children, adolescents and youth in the Workshop Programme MOAGUA ECOATE, were those of entities CEINNIQ, ECG, EPM, and the company sponsoring CUBANIQUEL ESUNI. Was present at all times CITMA specialist in the area.


----------- - On March 19 at 7:30 a.m. and were participants in the workshop of water Ecoart Program and other members and guests Moa the respective items for pickup at a conveyor to participate in the planting of 500 positions Ocuje, timber tree of great importance to our country for its environmental value, social and economic development. Girls, children and young people were aware of productive action to protect the environment and water very spatially. This time the event was the farmer at the Farm Mengón, where planted trees on the banks of a tributary of the River Cottage. This action call: Moa up in defense of water. It features the reforestation of timber and fruit trees in the watersheds of the rivers in our town. Last year it was in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Farallones in Moa and this year we made a reforestation of riverbanks Cayo Guam, under the auspices of the Pedro Sotto Alba, CITMA and CHCAS of CUBANIQUEL. Moa

up in defense of water, as I said, involved more than 80 people also included farmers in the area that both collaborated on this noble day of volunteer work for the recovery strips servative rivers. For the occasion there was a soupy pork with 3 heads, was a great feast for all.

physical education students after lunch participacióny organized recreational games with members of Ecoart and children in the area, after completion of the games gave him documents, which were read ademása participants on the water. They also delivered a new call on forests for their participation. They spoke on the subject and its relationship with water. Reference was made that 2011 is the International Year of Forests.

was a productive day and knowledge on water, its usefulness and the need to protect for present and future generations of all living beings exist on earth where not only is the human being.

community participated in this action the following entities: The Company Mine Rehabilitation Dr. Rosa Elena Simeon Negrin, Pedro Soto Alba Company, the Municipal Agriculture and the State Forest Service, to INDER students through physical culture sports Combined Rolo Monterrey, Popular Power and the Cultural Center of Environmental Education Community CUBANIQUEL.

------------------------------------------------ -----------

- On the 20th of that month of March, the award was made MOAGUA Competition 2011 in the Municipal Art Gallery with the participation of the 1st Secretary of the Party in Aldo Rodríguez municipality Azahares partner and member of the Bureau Sonia Maria, also present Carmen Julia Martinez Cesar President José Martí Brigade, among other local leaders. In this framework municipal ceremony was held for the Day water world in our town.

Prior to the awards was the opening of Art Exhibition of Karel Anabel Ferrer school Lobaina Renato Oliver G space, the ribbon was cut by the partner Sonia Mari a sorrel, municipal PCC members, this was the art gallery itself, the title of the exhibition, I am a friend of Water. The theme was water and the usefulness of the development of human life on earth. As men and women must work together to not pollute more than this. Together we can all do more for her, this is the ideas of its creator.

-MOAGUA Contest Winners 2011: UNICEF Project
children Friends of the water,
----------------------- ------------------------------------
Manfugas Dairon García. Hiran
Alberto Source Lisabeth. Sucel

Ruth Moreira Camilo Boris Labrada Fernandez. Andris
Vidiaux Estévez. Ariannoldis
Barrabia Benz. Osniel
Robles. Karel
Anabel Romero Ferrer Lobaina
Mailen Frómeta.
Ademay Peña Peña.

-National Awards 2010
--------------------------------------- OCPI Morris Bell ----- Reyando

Eduardo Alejandro Montes de Oca followed
Fuentes Beatriz Caridad Montero.
Claudia Mery Rodríguez Blanco.

-Awards to the most contributions from empty yogurt
bags for massive reforestation popular. -------------------------------------------------
Ruth Moreira
------- Sucel camilo. Boris
Labrada Fernandez.

-delivery of awards to outstanding teachers in community actions
MOAGUA of 2011. --------------------------------------------

King Noa.
Toirac Silvia Matos.

-Awards for: -----------------------------------

physical culture students Rolo Monterrey sports combined. Polytechnic Students
José Antonio Vois.

These community actions were reported by Radio the Voice of nickel and MOATV, who continuously disclose our community action.

The conference was closed by fellow Azahares Aldo Rodriguez, First Secretary of PCC mining town in the municipality, who addressed the children and young people to talk about the importance of water and the actions the program performs Ecoart in the municipality, with its educational impact everyone in a positive way, urged them to continue working for a better world and a favorable environment and a higher quality of life for Moa and rest of the country. Before concluding it was given to Melaneo Maden Betancourt as a municipal Distinction maker and promoter of culture in the town of Moa, a proposal by the Sector of Culture and approved by the Municipal Assembly of Popular Power.

Best Regards, M.

Sc Melaneo Maden Betancourt

Community Relations Coordinator and the Cultural Center of Environmental Education Community

Moa-Sagua Road, km 1 1 / 2, Moa, Holguín, Cuba, Tel (53) (024) 60 6602, Fax 60 8283
. (53) (024) 60 2201

"My job is to have everything beautiful, ignite enthusiasm for everything noble, admire and to admire all that is great. "José Martí Pérez
Note: These delivered Winners are donations from NGOs Arnolfo Oscar Romero, the INRH, CITMA, the CUBANIQUEL ESUNI and through its CHCAS.

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Meeting Territorial Delegate in Holguin
CITMA members of Ecoart

22 to 26 this month took place in Holguin - Banes, the VI National Event Film, Radio and TV Committee UNEAC provincial, this time was devoted to the environment and the community. Present

audiovisual event was the DR. Israel May Parra, who confirmed with other artists and intellectuals of the UNEAC and his presidency, welcomed the CITMA to continue supporting this type of events are planned to continue addressing the issue of the environment environment with all the seriousness the topic may require and community outreach.

Ecoart of CUBANIQUEL Program at Moa, was invited for this occasion by a subsidiary of Film, Radio and TV to expose the UNEAC provincial community and environmental experience with girls, children, adolescents and Moa youth.

as rapporteur was also Eng Portales Tamayo Ruberdanis CITMA address in Holguíny moderated Lic: Lisney The O Pérez, with the theme Risks in climate change studies. Excellent presentation caused a brilliant reflection of the rapporteur to questions and comments from delegates and guests.

For his part, Deputy CITMA exchange with a group of people, delegates, artists and intellectuals and leaders of the UNEAC, local government and the PCC in the municipality, in addition to the accredited press for this event also gave statements to the local radio at different times. It also highlights the exchange he had with the delegation of Moa, the CHCAS of CUBANIQUEL. In open and frank dialogue project is increased Ecoart Program experience to the rest of the province, taking into account the results offered by the community program through their actions with the participation of children, adolescents and youth in the coastal clean, red mangrove planting and reforestation in areas damaged by mining activities, including community action no less important. I greet and congratulate you on your next birthday this time will be the fifteenth anniversary of its creation, which will celebrate in July and August in the coastal districts and other red territory, visit the Pico Turquino, revamping the website Ecoart everyone and Cuba, with the collaboration of children, children, , adolescents and youth who work and solidarity of , among other Community actions. I urge the leadership of Ecoart Program to participate in projects funded by CITMA. Maden Betancourt

Coordinator of CUBANIQUEL

********************************* *********************************************** Oropesa
Massiel Rodriguez From

When my son finished the fourth grade group wanted to say goodbye to his E 4th primary school Alfredo Alvarez Mola in Ciego de Avila, where he started from the first grade, then asked me to help write a letter where he said goodbye to friends, who arrived this time, felt much separated as we moved to another division to a new home, happily today is our home. Ramon leissam
so that it is 13 years old and loves to write, I asked send to friends by Project soul and the heart, that letter kept very cariñoe brought tears the day he read in his group when the course came to an end.
a hug

Massiel De Leissam for children 4th E.
I asked the teacher to read this for me, my farewell to the group, I'll happily move to a new house than we expected since long ago, where we hope everything goes well to my Mom and me tambiéna Canelo for that reason I am going to study at a new school where she meets new friends.
I like to say that when I came here in first grade, I hated that separated me from my Kindergarten group, where he was since I was nine months and missed them so much and wanted to go to them. Eventually I made new friends, and even though everything has not always been happy, I have love for this school, and the group, where I learned to read and write. I tell you something, boys in the classroom.
Mairelys: to say, thanks for patient with me, I know sometimes I behave badly, but I love you, I have really taught and the teachers I've had in this place, you're my favorite and Mariela. You are very special and I've helped, thanks for taking me into your home and to feel your love, and your children.
Victor, as I would be disciplined like you, you're a good boy, take care.
Mirito: nice to have a girlfriend like you, smart and defender of justice. Claudia
: still pretty well, thank you when you helped me to call Mom by phone to live for me.
King: beware skinny, my friend George's house rework. Amanda
: noble, intelligent, I will always remember when exchanged for snacks. Migue
: we have some things in common (unrest), are good and I know, I hope others will discover as I did. Alejandro
: you are brave, and do not like injustice, serious and good companion. Jader
: do not expect to gain much, you and I are thin race. Javier
: you're a good boy, watch your glasses, which are rather expensive.
Joan: I see you in the next few extras.
Herandi: study hard and behave well.
LEDU: I hope you're a good Karate. Huey
: still getting good grades, but do not eat much. Elio
: you're smart, but behave yourself.
Eric: You are noble, friendly, I wish you many good things. Daniela
: still with your note pads nice, studious and good.
Jessica: thanks for the throw me out with your books, they saved me many times when you did not copy.
Lazarus: You're smart and good, provided you have a problem tell your mom she is your best help, I hope you best of your ills.
Dairen: Guajiro, as I will miss your stories of oxen and doves, and birds that I like, do not forget to visit me. Olga
: but sometimes am not very gentlemanly, you're the skinny more good in the world, I'll miss your collected in the morning or when I copied the classes when I was back.
been four years and go with the joy of knowing that we will meet sometime, take care all, help each as best friends, and they discuss for some reason, forget the bitterness, share the joy of studying together, to be happy, to grow. Ramon Mota

Leissam Oropesa.

********************************************** By Almas

- ------------------------
-------------- Alexis Abreu
------ Barizonte (Cosimo) (Calabazar, 1953 -...)
Coordinator Corner Calabazar Solitudes-
from sending us these texts, ...

------------------------------------------------ ------
Home Address: 297 Ave no.13213 between 132 and 134. Cast
Berenguer. Calabazar. Havana. cp.19230. Cuba.
Mobil: 053581654 -----------------------------

painter, poet, teacher, ... ------------------------------------------

March 27, 2011. -------------------------------------------------
-Dedicated to all the dolphins in the world. -------------------------------------------------

1 -

Dolphin Playing With

other fish in the sea. I'm a Dolphin

In the blue waters.
'm a Dolphin.

2 - I ask only love

I ask only love Only love I ask my soul

From Dolphin.

3 -
I have a Father

Dolphin Dolphin I have a Mother

We are a family of love.

4 - If rain

Be happy ... If star

be happy ... If pink

be happy ... I'm a Dolphin

And I'm happy.

5 - Crossing the seas ...

Blue Cross seas of dark depths

makes me happy ... I see on the horizon

As waves happily play
With sandy beaches.

I also play with the waves as they play

With sandy beaches.

6 -

Mom and Dad are going to move this water ...
are full of garbage and radioactivity.)

7 -

Aunt Delfina ... works in an aquarium will be

A very early work for children ...
back in the afternoon, tired but happy

having played with the kids ...

8 -
The Dolphins only have this sea

Blue and open (like the poet said)
just have this sea ...
Where to live, play and love.
need this clean waters
To remain transparent, Free
oil slicks ...

Dolphins only have this sea ...

************ ************************************************** ******************
From Tree of Life "Playing and learning. Amaranth ...

Weekends at home are a good opportunity to take a break from domestic duties and recess in the "double day" that we suffer mainly females, to share the game with children and transmit knowledge commensurate with the age and grade. This lived experience, Tree of Life in two weekends of this dry, but spring in March.

In the garden, the building where I live, the children played:

- Enzo Semanat, age 8, grade 3, Renato Guitart School.
- Fabio Cuevas, 9 years Grade 3, Renato Guitart School.
- Jian Dominguez, 10, 5 th grade, Renato Guitart School.
- Gabriel Betancourt, age 9, 4th grade, School September 5.
- Ronaldo 7 years 2nd grade Betancourt, School September 5.

I got involved with them in the game and explained, fundamental concepts of the environment, I proposed then a fraternal competition, where they answer questions about the issues. Agreed rules of the game, we did and the result was very good, very good about responding:

- what is the environment and actions to take care
- natural and built landscape
- wildlife, and
care - care of green areas and gardens
- saving water.

children formed the group: Defenders of the Environment and the experience was so positive that we decided to do another session of "play and learn." Building

stay in Cuba for Madeleine Porr, Coordinator in Germany and other countries interested in promoting the project "The Pan Alegre", collaborating for years of doing Souls, we met the following week children.

In a good conversation and understandable, like a fairytale, Madeleine told them about the existence of Amaranth, one of the oldest cultures and further consideration in pre-Columbian peoples, like the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas . At that time, is consumed both as vegetable and food grain and was a warrior, so it was banned and the conquistadors tried to eradicate their crop to break down resistance and weaken the peoples struggling for defend their land from invaders. The word "amaranth" is the Greek for "plant that never fades."

Amaranth contains proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and minerals and is rich in lysine, an essential amino acid that has key roles in the development of human brain cells, and growth is associated with the development of intelligence, memory and learning.

It was very interesting for the children's explanation on the recommendation for inclusion in the NASA space flights since 1985. That year, the plant germinated and flourished in space during the orbital flight of the shuttle Atlantis. For its excellent food qualities, amaranth became part of the menu for astronauts.

Children were, in their own hands the tiny seeds of amaranth, saw pictures of plantations, made by children in Germany and were amazed at the size it can achieve this "wonder plant" that in many cases exceeds 2.00 m in height. The short time required to harvest and adaptability to different soil conditions, was another element mentioned.
explained some recipes from amaranth being preferred for children "popcorn" and "joy."

Finally, this first meeting with amaranth, the "magic plant" concluded with the presentation of his "Cuban cousin" means a damn, they quickly located the children in the neighborhood.

ended and at the same time we think of a new action, where you can: play and learn ...

------------------------------------- Submitted by: Mr. Alba Camejo
Coordinator: tree of life
Phone: 2028061

Logo Design: Rayner Domingues Fong

************ **************************************************
****************** I wanted to send this story I did for Letters to the goblin contest is in honor of my grandfather Sergio's dad, my mom died , three years before the birth I know I would have loved, because according to my mama told me, Ely I have a very similar character. Greetings, Dear

Leissam elf dream:

Hope you are well, I woke up today, miss you, not why you came last night and no nightmares let me sleep, because when you come, they dare not, you know you carry the soul of my grandfather in and protect me, making me dream about nice things.
The first time you came to me, I felt I knew you even without ever seeing you, your caress, your laugh, those funny stories of your antics on the field when you were tiny but still, I did enjoy your company sonreíry then he could sleep soundly.
The day I started to tell me how you got me so excited, but scared me a little, I always wanted to meet you but you were gone for three years before I was born, and now my mom told me your infinite desire to have a grandson, and I have the fortune to be your only grandson, and I'm Just Like You, and my aunts had only girls, whom I love very much.
When I asked how he had become a ghost, I felt half mad extrañoy your story, then I knew that love and desire, do great miracles, and your love for your grandchildren and children, did you become a pixie, fresh and lively, it would forever close to your family, I loved to hear you did not want tears when saw me with watery eyes, and you were here to see my smile, you were back to meet me and take care of my dreams.
remember that story I did in your panic to the dentist, the day my grandfather Cholo, I took with toothache, and as expected to the dentist, you yourself did you get the wheel that was half loose, or when you were a bull frog and jicoteas hunt at night with my mother to the river Menchaca, and my grandmother did not want to cook, by saying that those guys would not put them in their pans, then she and your cooked and ate the delicious fun of hunting, or the time he sold popsicles in a wagon, around the mountain. Oh my pixie
grandfather, who had been good to be with you on these adventures!
I'm also recalling the night when dreams took me to the shoe store where you worked, let me use the toes and the shoe trees, seemed rare, as was later learned the art of creating pleasant shoes, those who so desperately need. Mira you did different jobs, my mom told me that when you worked in the Cafeteria Bay took her to eat meat pies, or when you worked in the bakery La Palma, we were bringing cones merengue, my little Brownie, you're a genius!
know you're there as I write, I feel your scent of freshly baked panetela, that made him both a mom with lots of syrup, and I knew that if you had not occurred was that I wanted , as surprising, the country will go with you candy tonight, so be prepared to teach me how to make cappuccino, my favorite. Pixie
My grandfather, I love to be like you, want you near me always accompany me to have sweet dreams, and bright stars you shower in my room, to help me dream beautiful things. Oh ... and I
adormir, tomorrow I go to school I have a test of history.
I wait every night to experience new adventures in the magic of a wonderful dream with you.
A big hug Leissam

your grandson. About the author

Name: Ramon Mota Oropesa Leissam
Age: 13 years
ESBU: Rene Ramos Latour
Grade: 7th grade
Home Address: Calle
Raul Cervantes # 1153 , between D and E Ortiz Cast Ciego de Avila. Courier
mother Massiel ( )

**************************** ************************************************** ** Poems

Jesus Garcia Clavijo


One November day shakes
love to hear. November
One day the sun rises or falls
more alone in the cracks in the afternoon.
November goes leaving secrets
; ;
dropwise as if the roof fell
clothes or clothes simply.
One November day is any day
whether a clean towel under the sheet.
November 1 ; with your hands.


I was left
mythological Adonis, Zeus and Hephaestus
got to get you lame and ugly. Eris

tried to separate as time but the banquet

Thetis was not in the script of those afternoons. Three goddesses

rained early morning delivery in your paintings
when the rapture, you conducíaa
only you, all newborn
light foam.


Your hands hold my face. Right

silences you discover. Left

the world's mysteries.
Your hands, fix hair, neck
road leading
clean and maintain.

love and eternal light in your songs.
love in you what I had when I lost the mirror

at sites
master of your body where you are and I reflected.


... if you knew the pain I feel when I sing
and do not understand that is love. Carlos Varela

I watching at the door of the house
or there
bottom of the stairs where your legs
step through your legs, where non-stop kissing.
door of the house on the edge of your bed
; in the penultimate step of this man

caresses you and sing without understanding

sings you love.

her eyes

Difficult. Far
the world, her eyes.

cry and a storm breaks out anywhere.
Laughing, Dawn.


write a manual on your body
opening the door where poetry happens.
If your hands were not enough

your voice to feel them when they come down through your body
to plagiarize your pores
caresses kisses on your belly
the taste of your fingers on the knees.

fill the sea when the water goes down your body
and be the cause in my arms.


are looking for a woman to dream about my breast.
Do not rush and break the monotony
germinate a flower. Nude

open all windows

light and pass the thin air of your hair. If found

secret to life is another thing.
That hope still. WORKSHOP

We are two fools who wear
to fix the world as if under
We are two fools who kiss
negotiating a poem that leaves us with no throat.
We are two fools who run out of breath
looking stains dripping from the ceiling or
room trying to fix the world, as if under a magic wand
or floor lamp.
As if the world under
if missing those fools in love.

life and I have a treatment every so often

; perhaps
equinoxes send me an angel wet
naked, barefoot.
time and I have another deal
while arrive
angels blowing their horns rotate death lying in wait.
Love and I have a deal

time to time with each
certain angels send a warning signal
to find on rooftops.
You and I have a deal
constant angel, barefoot, naked. BACK WHEN

When you return brings dust letters delayed

the laughter hidden in nostalgia.
When you return, if you return your doubts

brings your sweat female runaway
your first encounter with my body. When you get back love

not forget your eyes brings back
undress in silence as before
your thirst for fresh herbs given. When you get back love

, do not forget to let me at least your


sent from:

José Miguel R. Ortiz (iskra)
Social Action
http://iskra-sbxyo . /

* The good part in a planting
is the seed that bears fruit everywhere * José Martí
------------------------------------ Sponsors
------------------------------------------ both projects: Association Hermanos Saiz
Ministry of Culture of Cuba, the National Council of Houses of Culture, National Council of Plastic Arts
, City of Culture Plaza and Casa de la Cultura Plaza

*** Important: This information may be reproduced freely
(where non-commercial purposes) and the source is acknowledged.
*** If you do not wish to receive our newsletter
communicate it to any of the following addresses:

you, thank you very much ... -------------------------------------------------
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Extreme Woman Stomach Sitting

Kosa of lokos - Demo (2010)

Here we have a group argetino, Kosa of lokos, who bring us this demo full of rage.

Members: Itor-Chinese: you
tranga: low
the Skinny: guitar
bottle: the fat battery
: female
Style: hardcore punk with shouts oi!

Monday, March 28, 2011

How To Clean Canon Printer 530 Printer Head


I have submitted to a contest for fashion illustrators with this picture of a figurine .
If you like my FASHION ILLUSTRATIONS and VOTE Do you want me clicking the following link:

Thanks ^ ^

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sheets With Peace Signs


A lot has happened in a year that led to my blog Kipuruki Garden. I learned a lot with you @ s, I made many friends and grows and grows Kipuruki cadi day a little more. There is always a new challenge and that motivates me. Thanks to @ s who pass by here, the @ s to posteais, the @ s that you become a follower @ s. .. @ S because without you this project tended sense.
And to celebrate, as it could be another one DRAWING: D
Since they are 12 months, we've been together @ s occurred to me to get around 12 VINYL CAR TOY model SUPER DEVIL CUTE KAWAII
So what are you waiting? if you want kiputunear your car, your premium, your boyfriend ... SIGN UP for this entry.

The requirements are the same as always:
1 º has to be followed my blog @ r Garden of Kipuruki! 2 nd Post
this entry:
leaving a comment on what you like best about kipuruki and your address email and blog. 3 rd Post
this draw your blog.

6 of vinyl car DEVIL TOY SUPER CUTE KAWAII will for the first six people who sign up for sweepstakes.

And those people that are winning and I send the photo of your car tuned with my vinyl DEVIL TOY will send a Felt brooch Kipuruki as thanks.

s Thanks everyone in advance for participating and good luck! ^ ^

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blueprints Macbook Pro For Modelling


I love licorice, licorice tea, infusions of licorice, the smell of licorice, liquid chocolate and salty liquorice. The breakfasts in Sweden on stripped wood floors sumptuous: D

Jag Gillan lakrits , lakrits you , lakrits infusions, Choklad lakrits ... Aka Jag vill ta till Sverige och Chart!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Relax And Wax Problem


Spring and breathe in the atmosphere why we have proposed 1 st Quedada KipuVanitas in Barcelona for the first week of April if you sign someone happens is point in this entry in my blog THE GARDEN OF KIPURUKI !

And Spring all-pervading and I really enjoyed as I stay the sign of the left with those tones as fresh as me do two BACKGROUNDS BLOGGER blogging to celebrate Spring Already Kipuruki !
You can use these 2 backgrouns for in your blog if you like. Very
easy to implement. First you have
to go to the Design tab, make click in template editor and You select the background section subid You select the image and center alignment, no tiling and void the action of moving across the screen.
And you will have uploaded one of these spring backgrouns as wallpaper for your Blog!

And last for a long time I wanted to do an illustration on a Dog Walkers so here You have my particular THE DOGS ILLUSTRATION WALKER.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How To Quote The Inside Of The Front Cover

The most recent published in HA (19/03/1911)


Newest posted on the web conuco Making Soul:


Filippo Manghisi , a member of the family Quintavenida (11/03/1919)

Alborada goes to the Fair (03/19/1911)

nature is Love ... (19 -03 to 11)

Girls and boys dream, paint and play (03/11/1919)

Photos of San Fernando de Atabapo (14/03/1911)

With dreams and hope we can accomplish great things (03/14/1911)

Nori, by Massiel (12/03/1911) Rectifying

from Tree of Life (12/03/1911)

Alba Text Camejo (11/03/1912)

FOR ANITA his father Francis Contino (03/12/1911)

To measure my love (03/12/1911) ****************************

sent from:
José Miguel R.
Ortiz (iskra)
Social Action
http://iskra-sbxyo . /

* The good part is a seed, is seed
that everywhere * José Martí
fruits --------------------------------------- Sponsors
--------------------------------------- two projects: Sai Brothers Association z,
Ministry of Culture of Cuba, the National Council of Houses of Culture, National Council of Plastic Arts
, City of Culture Plaza and Casa de la Cultura Plaza

*** Important: This information may be reproduced freely
(where non-commercial purposes) and the source is acknowledged.
*** If you do not wish to receive our information please notify to
any of the following addresses:

you, thank you very much ... -------------------------------------------------
Follow us on: /

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hand Swollen After Punching

Dessidia - Dessidia (2010)

Here we have this band from Madrid, this is his first album, is self-produced and can find issues on which style merge as varied as the country, reggae or trash, but Dessidia is mainly a group of Hard-Rock.

The album was recorded in 2010 during a period of time.

After mastering several events decide the hands of Ciri in the study "The Note" (Usera).

After a few weeks their new album (Dessidia) comes to light. The answer to the question why the name of the album as the band's name? Thanks to the strong union that has formed between members of the group (they had several changes in band members such as the voice Davitx). It is like saying that is the "first" disk Dessidia.
Hope you like and follow the fiestaka !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Salud!



Friday, March 11, 2011

Dragonball Z Bed Sets

diverse texts (03/12/1911)

MAKING SOUL *********************************

FOR ANITA his father Francisco Italian-Contino
Shiatsuka Cuba-La Habana, Cuba, ...







************** ********************************

Alba Text Camejo-La Habana, Cuba .. .. Meeting

She woke up very early, uneasy, as if every cell of your body vibrate differently than the usual. He tried to make the daily routine, but could not coordinate their movements, was clumsy and had to repeat over and over that normally to mechanically, without activating the neurons.

used to dress a long time, no clothes seemed appropriate for the moment, and wondered what was happening. Soon found the answer: he arrived. Their bodies came together in an embrace that had dimension of eternity, where everyone took control of another. From that moment

the rest of the world disappeared and there were only them, cast in an aura, sharing all manner of caresses, sighs ... They found each other the best of themselves, little by little, shared teaspoons of life, slowly and drank to the last sip without wasting anything, feeding the most spirits and bodies.

Time passed .... How much? Impossible to calculate, could be a lot or just a moment, that served to revive: vital, happy, beautiful.

talk much, just enough and no farewell or promises, to separate, said: THANKS! Alba


********************************** ************

Yuladis Rodriguez Batista

------------------ -------------- Hi Ludovico and Iskra

Today I had the pleasure to meet you through photos through your wonderful site. I really enjoyed visiting the site continue. Thank you for sending your messages that really nourish the soul and purpose flaunt their community.

I am someone who writes modestly few minutes and likes to share with friends, as I have in 5tavenida, I write for adults but I love it, well, children's literature and work with them while not exercising teaching profession, I will share with you my writings and friends if they wish, and here I am with open arms to flow through them inexorably warmth other arms friends.

sincerely for my writing friends


If you're going to measure my love,
do not measure my kisses,
or by the repeated phrases when Levite,
not measure my love with the smell of my hair,
Measure it with renewed vigor I want to give you,
by the long silence that evoke when resting on your chest, if you can measure it
to look
I lose when I try to tell you I love you and no I say. Measures
my love with your questions,
over time we have not, for the written word
open chest,
and retained and subject to you.

I thank you from this land red which is our great city, Moa.

********************************************* **

Oropesa Massiel Rodriguez sent us this text you, "from the heart-
------------- Nori

That evening promised to be very pleasant, we were going to the cottage where we expected a group of friends of the family to celebrate Mom's birthday.
The ride through the hilly made the trip was exciting, the clouds seemed to touch the tops of steep mountains and animals in a pasture were of an extreme beauty. Cows and horses grazing peacefully, and in the distance a group of doves adorned the blue sky.
grasslands gave a light green credit a very tender grass that goats grazed very quiet, undeterred by the noise of our car.
After two hours of travel, we reached the house, paperback by others, resembled an American-style cabin according to my grandfather he was with thick trunks and wooden floor, large outward that everyone liked. Nearby
were the stables and corrals had pigs and goats in the barn very nice to be multiplied easily.
Just beyond the prepared poultry fine for the chickens lay their eggs, which of course are always many, many young chicks too.
We got home, and after drinking fruit juice, I told my parents to give a ride.
Soon I put on my clothes and I field the task of traveling the place which I loved, where he enjoyed the company of boys from the neighboring farm and my favorite pet, a beautiful red goat and white spots which I named Nori, to which very young nursed, and petted a lot, as my dad always said.
Every weekend at the cottage was a new adventure and Nori was my favorite company. ....... .......
Nori Nori.
I called and was not, I went to the house for help because my friend Nori adventure was not there.
walked the shed, corrals and stables, but she was not, and the kitchen smelled the distinctive flavor of our country kitchen, the barbeque I saw something that looked like the roasted gave ay there hanging on a hook that skin .....
My sadness is noted for when my mom saw my face I was scared because he was very pale, and soon I passed out.
When I woke up around me was my dad and the doctor looked at me with your best smile.
Dad .... Nori is, I called and did not appear, I do not think that meat is grilled saw Nori, that hung near Reddish skin like hers. Papito
...... do not want my favorite girlfriend is our food ..... Swear
daddy, Swear she is not that my kid did not die. Dad
I replied that both he and I had come to just a few hours and was administrator for the crops. A shadow of doubt I thought I saw in his face.
The new administrator of the estate was unaware that Nori was for me not only my pet, was the friend that I was very young, sometimes slept in my mom's hidden room, which did not approve of animals within the house.
remember who was only days old when Santa brought me, as his mother died in childbirth and took care at home, always wanted her at home, with me in the fields, sueñoy hours if it was not for Mom I sat up on the table.
When you barely had a month and we got away from me and did not appear, either in the fields of cassava, or rice paddies or on the banks of the river, always accompanied me aba looking ferns that adornababamos home.
After a tireless search found it very asleep beside Lina Bitch cook who had six puppies almost the same size, was heated and curled as not to hear my calls.
It had always been my Nori ......
spent a good time and left me alone when I jumped out the window and went to the barn of cows and did not see in the horses either, she was always anywhere but in his yard, that the apparently did not like. Exhausted
and to search for Nori, I began to mourn.
Time passed without realizing it and getting dark, I suddenly felt the mighty hand of my father's shoulder, her soft voice always told me:
- Look what
bring you in his hands He wore a cute newborn goat and said
- is yours.
I said it was very nice but my Nori had no substitute, he could not ever want another equally.
A Nori Daddy gave him my love and care since he was a baby, drank the milk in my hand, I do not want someone just like Dad.
Dad said with a grin:
...... Ha ha if the mother of this cute little goat hear that you do not want it going to get wild with you.
When I raised my head to look at my Dad, then I saw, was right behind my Dad, with his red and white spots, my Nori, the goat of my dreams was to be released from the hands of Joseph the Administrator and run to me. The new kid was
daughter Nori, who was born the day before, nothing less than bare at the ranch for maize Joseph was watching, because since he came to the farm knew Nori was special and that the cook Lina said it was my favorite friend.
Nori and her daughter with me this weekend, the small is very much like. ****************************

sent from:

José Miguel R. Ortiz (iskra)
Social Action
http://iskra-sbxyo . /

* The good part is planted in,
seed that is bearing fruit everywhere * José Martí
------------------------------------- Sponsors
----------------------------------------- both projects: Brothers Association Saiz
Ministry of Culture of Cuba, the National Council of Houses of Culture, National Council of Plastic Arts
, City of Culture Plaza and Casa de la Cultura Plaza

*** Important: This information may be reproduced freely
(where non-commercial purposes) and the source is acknowledged.
*** If you do not wish to receive our newsletter
communicate it to any of the following addresses:

you, thank you very much ... -------------------------------------------------
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