Friday, March 25, 2011

Sheets With Peace Signs


A lot has happened in a year that led to my blog Kipuruki Garden. I learned a lot with you @ s, I made many friends and grows and grows Kipuruki cadi day a little more. There is always a new challenge and that motivates me. Thanks to @ s who pass by here, the @ s to posteais, the @ s that you become a follower @ s. .. @ S because without you this project tended sense.
And to celebrate, as it could be another one DRAWING: D
Since they are 12 months, we've been together @ s occurred to me to get around 12 VINYL CAR TOY model SUPER DEVIL CUTE KAWAII
So what are you waiting? if you want kiputunear your car, your premium, your boyfriend ... SIGN UP for this entry.

The requirements are the same as always:
1 º has to be followed my blog @ r Garden of Kipuruki! 2 nd Post
this entry:
leaving a comment on what you like best about kipuruki and your address email and blog. 3 rd Post
this draw your blog.

6 of vinyl car DEVIL TOY SUPER CUTE KAWAII will for the first six people who sign up for sweepstakes.

And those people that are winning and I send the photo of your car tuned with my vinyl DEVIL TOY will send a Felt brooch Kipuruki as thanks.

s Thanks everyone in advance for participating and good luck! ^ ^


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