Saturday, March 5, 2011

Appointment Confirmation Lost H1b

Bastard To Play Sound - Do it Yourself (2010) EVA

First demo of this completely DIY Mexican group in HxC mix your music, punk and ska, here you have the biography of the group: Play to

Bastard Sound
born in 2010 but the trio is made musically since 2005. We begin for the pleasure of the music without knowing a note, we started with punkrock but ultimately olad agree on a radical change ... one of our main ideals is the DIY (Do It Yourself) and the Think Positive, do not letters that destroy you or destroy your environment, simply express our feelings and thoughts and our experiences, trying to be as objective and not say something we do not know much less. PBS says: Anti-fascism!, Fight for what's right!, Equivocate, reflect and learn, Defend your roots and culture!, Respect!, No racism!, Politics has a bad reputation!, No discrimination against indigenous peoples!, Is like you want to be!, Save energy!, Fight for your rights!, Insecurity Damn!, Crime Damn!, Not to abuse animal!, Recycle!, Religion is up to everyone!, Study!, is an entrepreneur!, works and develops a profile!, want and care for your family!, be responsible!, If you drink do not drive!, fun and smiles stupidly that music and life gives you that and more. Remember that the sun rises for everyone, if you like what we do that well and if not well. Contact:


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