Saturday, April 23, 2011

Adriana Lima Eye Shapes

The most recent published in HA (11/04/1923)


Newest posted on the web conuco Making Soul:
dreamers eating ice cream in Ciego de Avila (04/11/1923)

Night of Solidarity and Humanism (11/04/1923)

Chronicle of a teacher making love ( 23/04/1911)

Zoo Photos in Cuba and Italy (04/11/1923)

Jesúsy his family, from the heart (04/23/1911)

Our friend Stefano we visit (04/23/1911)

The pink letter on April 17 (4/11/1923)

II Panel on Climate Change, by Alba Camejo (23/04/1911)

Workshop on child and adolescent land (23/04/1911)

Verses neglect in April-I (11/04/1923)

A drop of our lives (04/11/1923)

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A drop of our lives (23/04/1911)

Posted by Iskra

Posted by Carolina Mora Leidy Barbosa, Colombia
------------------------------ as you ,.... I hope that very well,
just want to send a written ...

darker clouds glow like a darkness in a deadlock. gulf war is caught by some rifles in a world of jungles where nobody can avoid. I can not understand this world full of evil and corruption that every day in our country is scaring people. every minute is precious, every rose is a flower petal means more every drop of our life. the smell of your perfume is the smell of a rose that looks increasingly like the smell of a cigarette - without you is like living as a bridge set the clock hoping that will not be back.

hug leidy

carolina Posted in ********************************************

04-11 ***********************************************
Children and Youth Workshop on Earth (04/11/1923)

Posted by Iskra

From the Cultural Center of Environmental Education Community CUBANIQUEL, Melaneo tells us about the workshop to be held at the cast Rolo Monterrey, on World Earth Day

As part of the actions that are planned to be developed in World Day Greetings Earth, by the Program of CUBANIQUEL Ecoart, was as stated in the case referred to this day, at 09: 00AM in the workshop of the plastic artist Zarzabal Fidel, in Building 33 Cast Rolo Monterrey, in coordination with the sectors of culture and the direction of CUBANIQUEL through the Cultural Center Community education belonging to the technical management of the institution.

girls, children, adolescents and youth who participated in that day had poems, stories, drawings and posters, all relating to the issue of the Earth and the need for its protection No part of mankind.
The papers presented were discussing it until 12:30 PM, in the artist's studio, some of them were selected to participate in the event VI International Conference of use Mineral Resources 2011, CiNAREM from 9 to 11 November this year at the University of Moa.

Selected works Perdigón Iron contest organized by the Programme were as follows Ecoart : Aniel author's drawing titled Robles; If we care for the trees, the life of the school prevail Juan Manuel Marquez where she is a 4 th grade, another study was the author Claudia Mery Rodríguez White José Martí Pérez high school, where he is the 8 th grade and the title of a of stories is Mery and his friends, another author's work was Beatriz Caridad Montero Fuentes of the same high school that year and the same degree, presented a group of stories and read the title to save the planet.

Sincerely, Maden Melaneo


and Gallery in

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II Panel on Climatic Change tico, by Alba Camejo (04/11/1923)

Posted by Iskra

From the tree of life-

The Economic Society of Friends of the Country (SEAP), on 15 April, the II PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE, continuing to update on the subject began in February 2010 after the UN Summit on Climate Change (COP 15), which was held in Copenhagen, where there were no advances or commitments as expected or as the planet demands it. This ocasióny

with information from the recently concluded Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 16) held in Cancun, we had the opportunity to meet , firsthand, what happened there and how it is focusing on confronting climate change effects worldwide.

Topics for the Specialist and served to allow for consultation, discussion and proposals on specific issues were:

panel picture
Presentations were addressed such important topics as the historical development ; richest of the COP, the failure to meet targets for reducing emissions proposed in the Kyoto Protocol, the need to redefine the economic patterns for real progress on the issue of climate change is also mentioned n the negative influence of presence of some highly developed countries in the negotiations, as they have equal tax treatment, the issue of emissions, regardless of the characteristics of Paisy of their historical responsibility for emissions contaminants.

Very interesting and enlightening was the explanation of the term "ecological footprint" and its use as a tool for analyzing the impacts of climate change and scenarios different times. The increase in global temperature, effect of glaciers, food security, vulnerability of territories and geographic areas were the subject of comments and examples.

The position of civil society, globally, is expressed in the COP16 in the International Forum for Climate Justice, which among other things endorsed the fight against false solutions such as carbon markets , REDD ** the use of agrofuels, carbon capture and storage, nuclear energy, GMOs, among other proposals only aim to increase profits of investors to privatize and commodify nature.

The exchange between the panelists and the public, large and heterogeneous, it was very rich, but one approach that caught my atencióny with which I fully identified was that of a specialist Branch of Health, which unfortunately did not take the name, which raised essentially that "it is essential now, when we talk about climate change, referring to a new education, which lead man to a new ideal of development not based on depredacióny unlimited exploitation of resources of the planet. "This is real: What world will we bequeath to our children if we are not able to build a new paradigm, which is not based on consumerism and unchecked development?

Thanks to the PAS, with its president and Daisy Rivera excellent host, the organizers of the Second Panel on Climate Change and the rapporteurs for having given us a great workshop.

** REDD: reducing emissions from the degradation deforestacióny forestry in developing countries is a mechanism has been proposed to mitigate climate change, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by paying developing nations to stop cutting their forests

-------------------------------- Submitted by: Mr. Alba Camejo
Tree of Life Coordinator ; ; ;
Phone: 2028061
Logo Design: Rayner Domingues Fong. Published 11

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Point pink Apr. 17 (04/23/1911) Posted

by Iskra

Posted by Luisa Landin
-------------------- ----
Voices against war and for the protection of the Environment Youth Council staged Guiteras Popular in this 50 anniversary of the Victoria de Giron in the peculiar literary artistic gathering in Point rose, led by the poet Luisa Landin Oneida, third Sunday of each month at the Farm Progress Jesus Leyva natural promoter in this town.

Tahis Guillen Marcelino de la Pena and Gonzalez Suset Roditi, Ada Elizabeth Machin, authors collected in this pure air prison, Volume II of the Panorama of the Tenth Cuban by Mayra Hernandez and Waldo Gonzalez, Publishing House in April 2010, shared his poetry with the renowned poet Robert Manzano (Nicolás Guillén Poetry Prize 2005 and Karel Leyva, Group Vice President Tenth Wing, director of Promoció No Cuban Book Institute, two special guests this year, who, in fraternal dispute showed that poetry has a universal language and should serve, therefore, to save the world.

The culmination of this activity was presented on everyday scenes, Karel Leyva, South Library, 2010, and donated books were presented by staff, fulfilling the premise of bringing books and authors to the community.

The event was attended by specialists of the House of Culture of Habana del Este, the Provincial Centre for Books and Literature in the capital, usual cronies, writers, artists, art instructors, students and neighbors, in this place which promotes healthy recreation, the values \u200b\u200bof friendship and family unity, an occasion that Alfredo Montoto, National Award designand enthusiastic contributor to this cultural project, chose to celebrate their wedding anniversary and the birthdays of Miram Guzman, a teacher of several generations and the Milenys, a specialist in Community Culture House also prominent member of the project.

performances are enjoyed artistic talent local singer Diana Granda and troubadour Andrew Serpa, both college students in the final year of his career.

was a wonderful morning, as noted by the poet and professor Roberto Manzano, "Nature, poetry, music and friendship. All in all, and in one space. "

did not miss the tenth and improvised by the poet Luis Augusto Roselló,

On this happy morning
of mockingbirds
inspired winged came to hear the verses of the tenth
healthy. Corn

being stripped and after harvest
satisfied with the soul of the production

hand under the Cuban sky
this anniversary. Published 11

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Our Stefano friend we visit (04/23/1911)

Posted by Iskra
Posted by Maden Betancourt:
Since 19 April in the early hours of this month we look at Stefano and his distinguished family. Welcome Brother! Greetings. MMB In

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Jesúsy his family, from the heart (11/04/1923)

Posted by Iskra In
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Photos of Zoos in Cuba and Italy (23/04/1911)

Posted by Iskra

Photos taken by Elisa Cordova

Zoo Zoo Cuba and Italy

Published 23-04-11

***************************************** ************************************************** Verses
neglect in April I (11/04/1923)

Posted by Iskra

For Klaudia, from the heart

Verses neglect in April I

(& # 8230;) Remember April, my singing voice reminds
your smile
Remember April, which is not far
if there is heartbreak and less haste Remember April

remember my walk on your bare skin
Remember April
remember my first hug gesture in (...) Amaury Pérez

The uncertainty

------------ I can not say I've forgotten
That I am free of her breath
to remove your name at the wrong time and that unraveled
all ties inevitably lie

If I proclaim that
waive his presence in my bed everyday In my haste

pathological melancholy in my wet dreams in my
This look
No other lips find no trace of passion
It makes me mad, blame the calendar
In the distance, while, other
And God
For me I got used
fragile, however, lie

is the case and charged with the death penalty now simulate

fortune While I'm dying away from his embrace.

--------------- The first kiss I kissed you today

wanted man I did it with fear,
In a hurry I could surprise the caress

And it was still early ; to desecrate it known I was afraid

Escaping the inevitable
But perished in trying to be irrevocable
In your smile lit
And I kissed you
Although not recognize me and my steps
Although not an excuse for ill-gotten
You justify your infidelity

me in my My scar
My nostalgia
My joy
Today I kissed you And still you doubt

It's April, remember, when we were one?
A century ago did you kiss my lips were
At this moment,
When I turn lover face and I look just
meeting, my silence
And your absence.

April 7, 2011 Posted in -04 to 11

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Chronicle of a teacher making love (04/11/1923)

Posted by Iskra

Posted by Queen, from Alborada

From Small said that whatever the profession to play when he grew up, had to be used to transmit my knowledge to others. I always loved art, especially dancing and acting. For things in life could not be given in these demonstrations, but just life has led me to apply what I learn from both elementally and fill it with the same enthusiasm with which the professionals do it, this time in the Project Sociocultural I coordinated.

Fortunately, also loves the art of thinking and communicating, and walking, walking, award to my family, especially to those parents to whom I owe what I am, with a gold title, the graduating the legendary and unforgettable as Philosopher University of East Marxist Leninist, at a crucial time when many did not understand that with such high notes, could choose a career "endangered" . Perhaps for this reason and because my teacher always admired Milvia, Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism, in the Pre university and the wonderful teachers of history that took me by the hand from the first lessons of the other science.

When I see and touch ... and I find that in addition to devote to the fascinating world of social research, teaching Filosofíaa future professionals in the medical sciences, and note that each generation n has something to remember from those classes, simply touch the sky.

how I felt when recently, my freshmen boys race Stomatology and I, agreed to develop the conferences of Religious Consciousness and Aesthetic Consciousness differently. For the first decided to attend the event in costume and impersonating deities or characters of the different religions that came with the man since we erect as a species. Hence, that afternoon, marched around the room Greek gods of Olympus, the emblematic figures of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, religions Egyptian, Chinese, until our orishas. Really colorful and novelty, became the occasion for an open class went to our other teachers and space students.

For the next activity we ask the cooperation of our friends of the Museum of Decorative Arts, one of the best places to talk and learn about the art of beauty. They received us to show and explain each of the rooms, the pride of the city since 2002, when he created the museum. I talk to my students of aesthetics from the philosophical point of view, and these criteria were added those of specialists in art history, Tamara and Anisley, and my always timely Juan Carlos, designer Alborada project as an architect. Great what they learned about kitsch art, thanks to the expo that was presented to us gently. Absolute masters for about two hours in a place that invites you to taste and treasured works of exceptional detail and rich history as well as artistic.

beings happy and complete as we left the place, a ding better and much less selfish: my students with knowledge for life and an invitation to return, and me with the conviction that the meaning of my life is precisely what I do and love what I live, teaching others, learning them. Good

Marxists at the end of the day, the women, accompanied by Juan Carlos, and avoiding the hustle and bustle for a day of "not losing the line," finished the day at the creamery, including delicious ice cream and laughing ...
And again I am amazed when I evoke his eleventh thesis on Feurbach: The philosophers have only interpreted in different ways the world, but what it is to change. That's where we

Marx, so we, with souls.

Posted by: Mr. Reina Torres Perez
Alborada PSC Coordinator and Professor of Philosophy
Photos: Anamary Pupo Garcés

Published -

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Night Solidarity and Humanism (23/04/1911)

Posted by Iskra

for causing Souls from Alborada

Students, members of the Brigade of Solidarity Ernesto Che Guevara at the University of Medical Sciences Blind de Avila develop monthly activities associated with the university extension which form an integral part, young sixty nations who study in our institucióny that add as "those Cubans were born in other lands & # 8221;, as they themselves call themselves, and states Ever eloquently Yellow Lopez, the Paraguayan third brother who came to Cuba to realize his dream, and now heads the brigade and their brothers Alcibiades and Kelly, were student leaders.

A Night of Solidarity in the central plaza of the university, which served as a farewell to Dr. Milayme Tomé, who with the same charisma that is characteristic, led the activity, from days despuésa meet international mission in the sister nation of Bolivia, was one of the most recent gifts. Added to this, the activity of the Project are more than a nation that gave grandparents the Gerontology Center of the capital city, a high dose of life and health , ending the week.

Both the Department of International Relations at our university as the Provincial Delegation of ICAP in Ciego de Avila, support and promote the work of these doctors Guevarian, who give away at each encounter bits of their cultures, traditions and sensitivity to take over from each other's hearts of the community to the amazing, dancing a traditional dance or assisting with professionalism and kindness, whether by necessity have to go to consultation.

They are the children of Cuba, this socialist Cuba from the root to the essence.

Posted by: Mr. Reina Torres Perez
PSC Coordinator Alborada
Photos: Marisol Ochoa and project file are more than a nation

Published in -

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; adore eating ice cream in Ciego de Avila (11/04/1923)

Posted by Iskra

back a while ago ,.... from left to right:

- Pablo Enrique Gonzalez
Companioni Reina Torres

and photo taking another dreamer: Iskra
Ciego de Avila, Cuba

Posted in de-avila-23-04-11 ****************************

sent from:

José Miguel R. Ortiz (iskra)
Social Action
http://iskra-sbxyo . /

* The good part is that planting seed
is bearing fruit everywhere * José Martí
-------- -------------------------------------------------- Sponsors --------------------
two projects: Asociación Hermanos Saiz
Ministry of Culture of Cuba, the National Council of Houses of Culture, National Council
Visual Arts, City of Culture Plaza and Casa de la Cultura Plaza

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