Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tooth Decaying From The Back

The most recent published in HA (16/04/1911)


Newest published in conuco Web by Almas:

Photos a sunrise in plaza (4.16.1911)

La radio in school (4.11.1916)

News amaranth from Berlin (16 -04 to 11)

Very Near Rio Grande (11/04/1916)

Stefano Guastella, another member family Quintavenida (11.4.1916)

Born foam and other poemarios (16/4/1911)

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Submitted by Gabriela Amadeo from Argentina
Project : La Radio School

Since 2010, conducts Project school: La Radio in School, aimed, develop and strengthen orality and comprehensive reading and expressive in children 5th and 6th grade.

With great enthusiasm, we first chose, by vote, the name of the program, being selected "The Sixth Station" since last year, armed only partook of the program, students in 6th grade. Separators were recorded (Entertainment, Miscellaneous, events, news, sports, humor) and the jingle that identifies our program.

The show is filmed at the school once a week and airs during breaks, making them different, because the students stop to hearing peers, dance with music being chosen by them sort Ranking school musical ...

This project stimulates reading habit not only because for announcer chosen, must read well but because also must collect information daily magazines internet to arm all weeks guided ; n radial.

It unforgettable both children for us teachers!
here blog to hear live some our programs:

Greetings from Buenos Aires!
Gabriela Amadeo

photos Prime radio program this year 2011
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News amaranth from Berlin -

since Pan Alegre-Germany-
in FEZ-Berlin the jornadas "Kinder-Koch-Schule"
"Children learn cooking "-,.... -------------------------------------------

The write them today I am from Berlin, Clara, a graduate in Environmental Sciences, Spain, for three months work experience with Madeleine and Anja of The Pan Alegre. I love working with them and with great pleasure to tell them the most recent activity in which I attended for the first time.

From March 31 through April 10 were held in the conference FEZ-Berlin "Kinder-Koch-Schule" - "Children learn to cook "- aimed at schools (weekdays) and families (weekends).

Here the children learned how to lead a healthy life with a healthy diet and proper eating habits. A group of Berlin's best chefs taught them that healthy food is fun and, of course, is great! With them, children have cooked so after they have eaten. Not only that: they had to find the ingredients in a "tent" installed thereon in himself FEZ have had to preserve conditions hygiene and most importantly, have had teamwork and share.

Weekends were programmed other activities parallel this Mainstem, being the El Pan Alegre with amaranth one most requested.

El objective our activity was teach how with just incorporate amaranth our diet we make much nutritious.

To achieve this dedicate our workshop conducting bread waffles "Alegrías" foods facts or enriched amaranth. Children enjoyed "shopping" cooking and - claro yes-also eat sweets exquisite while learning properties grain amaranth how eating a healthy.

Simultaneously, parents could know our program and course also enjoyed and learned about amaranth.

been very fun for worldwide!

With English-German greetings very cordial,

Clara Castro Muñoz

Porr Madeleine
Durlacher Str 6 D-10715 Berlin

Tel: (030) 600 50 213

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Some comments:
---- Ruben Alvarez Brito

------------------- Dear Clara: Very nice and motivating
the initiative. This activity with children is impressive. Moreover, by incorporating the teaching of a healthy component in the diet, presents even more interesting and inviting to imitate. Personally
As Germany is my second homeland for the important moments I lived in this country, the news is doubly pleasant to me.
Congratulations from Cuba!
Rubén Álvarez, La Habana

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Posted by Massiel Rodriguez

-------------------------- Iskra

------ This is the work of Leissam that merited mention in the "With life to life invites nature" organized by the national CITMA.

Very Near Rio Grande

-------------------------- Very near Rio Grande, where my grandmother lives there is a large forest full of colorful birds and pigeons laurel beautify the place, a stream of clear water, full of biajacas of river, and sweet potatoes I fish with my cousins \u200b\u200band then eat chips in the charcoal fire there on the ranch.
Everything is happiness in the rainy season when the green cover and grass fields is verdecito, verdecito, then my cousin Ron and I, we're going to milk along with my uncle Luis Pomarrosa the cow, which a bucket full of frothy milk, boil my grandmother very early and gives us a good plump pitcher is to keep strong, as she says while brewing coffee.
It gets very ugly when it comes to drought and the forest and does not look so green and duck hunters and Jutias camped nearby, not only do it furtively, but for lighting bonfires, while cooking in the light of the moon, lighting huge bonfires that bad then leave off, and last but not least, do not collect the waste burned.
I'll tell you what happened once
Amanecíay feel a smell of burnt paper, we review near the house and left the banana grove detrásy anything, look in the distance, and there , for the ravine which is near the field of tomatoes saw smoke, my grandparents worried, walked out to the place and I with them. Surprisingly
us, burning the corn field my uncle Edgardo was allowed to dry to serve pods into flour, and feed the animals, some timber, and the nests of thrushes and Tomeguin began to threaten. Quick
notices to neighbors of the farm next door to my grandparents, and we could save some nests, others were not so lucky and was devastated cornfield, two mahogany and cedar that we kept with great suspicion, were almost completely burned. Much as we try
to shut down, firefighters were late, because the distance between my grandparents' farm and the village of Majagua was over twenty miles and the nearest phone we had about three kilometers so much that my cousin went out riding on his bicycle, many things could be done with the speed required.
Seeking the causes of this ugly picture of our eyes, we know that camped nearby, unauthorized hunters, looking for pigeons that abound in the area, leaving a chunk of wood burning, and that started the fire, they is were unaware of their negligence, double by others, they were not hunting season, and is forbidden to light fires, which affect not only plants but wildlife as quiet place where these people live so inconsiderate not go by. Luckily
long, there is a body of rangers well near the house of my grandparents, and doves, mockingbirds, and all the birds Tomeguin beautiful place and not in danger, because they help us protect them, and forests , which are the lungs of nature, and trees and plants that bear fruit, his shadow, which help oxygenate the air, and make bello paisaje it more. Author's data

Ramón Mota Leissa Oropesa

Age 13 Grade 7 mo
ESBU: René Ramos Latour
City: Ciego de Avila.
County: Ciego de Avila
Address: Rua Raul Cervantes in 1153 between D and E Ortiz Cast
Ciego de Avila.
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Stefano Guastella born in Vinci, Florence, Italy on January 12, 1968.
----------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Frequent
studies in Italian schools through high school, leaving school in 1982.
currently lives Empoli, a small town in the province of Florence and works as a laborer in a shop of electrical equipment, since 1987.
In 1994, began studying how self-taught in English. -------------------------------------------------
-In 1997 places his first trip to Cuba, where he met Henry Yanitcia Sandiford, Holguin Cuba, with whom he married in 1998 and now the two have three children.
Her family ties to deepen their roots do with Cuba and especially with the City of Parks, Holguín.
-In 2005, he wrote his first book in Italian, "Con Cuba nel cuore" ("With Cuba in the heart), autobiographical story talks about how did your meeting with the woman until the birth of their first child. Published the book through a U.S. website:
-Write several daily trips to Cuba, always in Italian: in 2006, 2007 and 2009, all freely downloadable through the same site of the first book
-In 2008, translated and published using the same method, a book dedicated to Holguin: Holguin, Eastern Cuba: The history, places and characters, which can be downloaded free via the U.S. site. The book was made in the web looking for news of the history of that place, which were translated by the author.
-In January 2009, during his last trip in Cuba, takes a short documentary, "Talking in Pueblo Nuevo", performed with artists such as Cuban Trova, Holguín residents, Delia Vazquez and Misael Pino. The film talks about the links of these artists with the creation of the Casa de la Trova in Holguin, the link of the Revolution with music and Faustino Oramas. In Holguin known writer and poet Lourdes González Herrero, Telecristal Aldi web editor, and Amaury Tirso Mastrapa Ardite Icap lathe.
-In April 2009, Stefano and 4 Italian friends, Bruno Carioti, Filippo Manghisi, Pierluigi Falzoni and David Pellegrini, create Website
The site born to create space on culture Cuban and five friends begin their endeavors as translators, seeking articles speaking of Cuba.
-In May 2009 Stefano performs an interview writer and poetess Holguin Lourdes González Herrero and publishes in -di-5av-entrevistas-de-5av/843-conversacion-con-lourdes-gonzalez-herrero.html
La same interview is published also Cuban sites and is currently still in the web of Radio Angulo 20Gonz% C3% A1lez-% 20% E2% 80% 9CA% 20the% 20escritores% 20nos% 20emociona% 20casi% 20todo% E2% 80% 9D.html
"In the early days of 2010, known Melaneo Maden Betancourt, Vice UNEAC Moa and CHCAS Coordinator and Moa Ecoart Project. Start a close collaboration between the two, with environmental work, the V Heroes HAITÍCUBA project and the project of this eastern Cuban Film, Radio and TV, translated and published in Portal Digital

-A Thereafter spread around Island our work involving Ludovico and ISKRA with Haciendo souls.
-Stefano Guastella teams further with ICAP Holguíny its Director, Amaury Torno with traduccióny publishing convening encounters International favor 5 heroes Cubans detainees jails Empire besides other communicated.

-Las collaborations extending with others province Holguín ie in Moa. Translates poems Yuladis Rodríguez Batista, Magalis Rodríguez Borges, Jesus Rojas Ramírez and Michelangelo Sarduy, all Province Holguín.
-Just like born close collaboration with journalists Province Holguín as Alexis Rojas Aguilera, Félix Ramon Lobaina, Hiran Ricardo Ricardo and Tirso Mastrapa Ardite with several articles published and translated in
-In May 2010 documentary "Conversando in Pueblo Nuevo" participates to XVII Edition of May Pilgrimages in Holguin.

, has translated and published in, articles about the doctor, writer and poet of Holguín, José Luis Moreno del Toro, the friend and physician to the Cuban intellectual, José Lezama Lima.

"Next to Reina Torres, Project Coordinator Alborada de Ciego de Ávila, comes a collaboration for a project dedicated to Tina Modotti, an Italian character was an important part in the life of Julio Antonio Mella. Opens a section titled Quintavenida "Drops of Tina" where articles and research Reina Torres, on the Italian photographer and model, are translated and published by the same Stefano Guastella.
-In March 2011, began working with the Artist Fine Arts, Yudit Faife Vidal with the explanation Quintavenida publication and some of his works.

"Until today, less than two years after the creation of Digital Portal , Stefano Guastella, has conducted and published in this website, over 1000 jobs.

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Poemario miscellaneous Jesús García Clavijo

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Del poemario "Born foam"
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One November day shudders
love until heard.
One November day sunrise
or enters slits loneliest pm.
November goes leaving secrets
; ;
dropwise as if the roof fell
clothes or clothes simply.
One November day is any day
whether a clean towel under the sheet.
November 1 ; with your hands.


Yo was mythological
went Adonis, Zeus and Hephaestus
arrived to fetch lame and ugly.
Eris tried separate
as time
but banquet Tetis
was not's script those afternoons.
With three goddesses sharing
rained dawns in your canvases
when abduction, conducíaa you
only you, all light
newborn foam.


Your hands hold my face. Right

silences you discover. Left

the world's mysteries.
Your hands, fix hair, neck
road leading
clean and maintain.

love and eternal light in your songs.
love in you what I had when I lost the mirror

at sites
master of your body where you are and I reflected.


... if you knew the pain I feel when I sing
and do not understand that is love. Carlos Varela

I watching at the door of the house
or there
bottom of the stairs where your legs
step through your legs, where non-stop kissing.
door of the house on the edge of your bed
; in the penultimate step of this man

caresses you and sing without understanding

sings you love.

her eyes

Difficult. Far
the world, her eyes.

cry and a storm breaks out anywhere.
Laughing, Dawn.


write a manual on your body
opening the door where poetry happens.
If your hands were not enough

your voice to feel them when they come down through your body
to plagiarize your pores
caresses kisses on your belly
the taste of your fingers on the knees.

fill the sea when the water goes down your body
and be the cause in my arms.

We are two fools who wear
to fix the world as if under
We are two fools who kiss
negotiating a poem that leaves us with no throat.
We are two fools who run out of breath
looking stains dripping from the ceiling or
room trying to fix the world, as if under a magic wand
or floor lamp.
As if the world under
if missing those fools in love.

life and I have a deal

may from time to time s in
equinoxes send me an angel wet
; naked, barefoot.
time and I have another deal
while arrive
angels blowing their horns rotate death lying in wait.
Love and I have a deal

time to time with each
certain angels send a warning signal
to find on rooftops.
You and I have a deal
constant angel, barefoot, naked. BACK WHEN

When you return brings dust letters delayed

the laughter hidden in nostalgia.
When you return, if you return your doubts

brings your sweat female runaway
your first encounter with my body. When you get back love

not forget your eyes brings back
undress in silence as before
your thirst for fresh herbs given. When you get back love

, do not forget to let me at least your
morning. ---------------------------------

the poetry book "Timeline"
--- ------------------------------------------


must say I love you
I love you still. Where it says love


; friend. Where it says

dream of you with the tips of your
breasts read
sleep even in the tips of your breasts. Where does your name

distant star in brightness
; uncertain.


On the walls of Baghdad
a missile went flush
believers and two children left for good their smiles.
A pandemic virus has been unleashed
while many are organized against him. Today

tamarind flowers and columns of Havana
Carpentier after your figure and do not prevent Benedetti
die because they took into exile
wrinkles than consumption.
A boat leaves the bay.
On the streets of my city is the trace of rain and lightning
fits in flight.
If you look tonight I did not talk of love or the poem
door or a window blind.
It was all in the image who blesses
and in your cloud.
are everyday things like Sunday afternoons
as time goes by the hands of my daughter
a boat leaves the bay
children die in Baghdad
rain falls in my city
and try to make love to want to save


Dame stairs you take me to the steps trodden
when worn.
A straight up
Whitman's beard to give me a poem I fell in love.
me a long street that gives me time to find a verse of Sappho
the farthest mummy as gardenia

Lucia up to the same cry
flattening himself against the stones.
Give me time to take me to Rembrandt
to ask the magic of its tone
and put brushes on the end of the bed when I try a poem
between Lezama
and Silvio snakes. Dame
one step
and another in February
sleeping child between your breasts.


troubadour plays that guitar
would you feel the voice before. Sing
calls your line jump into the pit
the good girl and come to mourn for his master. Ripping guitar

tell us the steps of good
fear of each string. Sing
play music but do not look at the piano
within, if not we will hear a whisper

verses we leave.

All murdered by the dictatorship in Argentina.

I hear
Gelman and I remembered you.
he lived in exile also
perhaps all, of the exiles from around
but at least Gelman,
found him behind other silences.
What a great mystery to think a little to look at Marta
in his decrees and Jorge
thoughtful front of a painting. Gelman
tenderly stroked excited
wetback of her daughter and the boys left him forever
in school graffiti Maria Eugenia
whispering their fears at half mast in silence holding
left us poetry. Tonight
listened to Gelman
entrenched on the edge of his lyrics
Or in the embrace of Alexis against the wall? Augustine
Or watching the horizon? Gelman
While still talking to the fire
imagine without torture María Eugenia
school tenderly toward life.
What would it now?
How would your face, without the grip they gave?


November because
just because it rains it rains and the little sun is dim
leaving the grounds. Must be November

Why your hands?
Why did you say?
Why cry? Must be
November because people do not look
and the gentleman was in a step
the day before departure.

should be November because I will not leave my mother's womb.
And your hands were not in labor?
"And you said you want to leave?
And cried my non-presence?
should be November
cold medium for my parents hug me all day. PRAYER

mom I would not grow
to follow your side in steep
kites and fearing my father's belt.
wanted to see you ask your altars

wearing virgins who helped after midnight.
did not want to grow so that you we're not going
cottons for my grain.
mom I would not grow
to follow your hand
in the fight against the time lost.

my wounds Now I keep hoping to come back clutching
virgin layer
where you are and hold me. ------------------------------------------

the poetry book "Notes Press "

----------- PROPERTY DIVISION left

peace. DOUBT

What will become of that type?
"Del has not spoken to the gods? Neither


Ochumare I asked a piece of rainbow
but CHANGE was lightning and thunder. Biri
left your name in darkness Afefe
but I took the message. Chango
under his ax and colors
swept my heartbeat.
Echu and Ogun again on a Wednesday like today

watering the palm and pepper on your body
Cao cabecile! I screamed three times
To bring the ram and the Amal
to see if you love me
Cao cabecile! Defying the lightning

cabecile Cao!
thunder Chango
Cao cabecile!, Cao cabecile!
to see if you love me someday.


are looking for a woman I dream about my breast.
Do not rush and break the monotony
germinate a flower. Nude

open all windows
and pass
light thin air of your hair. If found

secret to life is another thing.
That hope still.

as garlands, YOUR BACK

Between your back hair and a town disappears if you prefer we can call
but it's true the city on your back.
between your hair and no discrepancies
city all covers, all achieved, everything shines and passes. If you prefer we call
but you know that your back is to the complexion
woman among more than suns, fires and garlands.
Between the hair and the city no distances
just my hand and your hand, just your body and your back
, only the mystery and the night
to collect dust and leaves to shed
with mint, basil
and lily make incense with their stalks and husks
and your silence or your laughter and hope
put your hand on the ladder for
escalarte women and sleep, kissing her back.

ONCE UPON A TIME Once upon a time a chick
calling me and lying on my shoulder crying
imaginary troubles.
He listened in silence
imaginary kiss, their pain.
Once upon a time. One


wait to come the other to write what I can not
to say that I love and is a constant ringing in my eyes.
The incapable, I would not be faced with the sheet or screen
for fear of the silence of letters.
wait to come and enter the other names
and tropes and the Muses.
Meanwhile, I continue to desire and
object without a name, one name
take me hand on the keyboard
as if the keyboard was your body eaten away
or tender, but your body of ours.
I expect to come so do not forget
asleep at the screen foil or
today in Santiago de Cuba
rain in the morning and within me, go and warning that another detainee. NO

I think you write a poem for
forget to let the side.
I'll write a poem, and not simply respond
my calls, nor yours.
I'll write a poem where you're not
nor your sighs or your tears.
I'll write a poem
which speaks of love and do not name
not miss your touch, or your skin.
I'll write a poem to forget.
A poem, not abuse

when you can close the door without thinking of you. PIGEONS

A light you do not see yours
melodies and steps, is
life while waiting for the man who listens to you and you
verses searches distant past or a poem
root from your dreams. Preventing you from Gods

doors open and the boxes which keep the misery.
Let her fly.
Ama, sing, talk, look, feel
you fly all the pigeons that you retain.


The city stops
naked in the kitchen near
beside me as before when the city

was you with your fears, and mine.
When you were in the city, my city, my city
simply all of your body
at the plate where
your smell, your skin, your back, your fingers
your song
; in flight.


WOMEN Women who touched my fingers
doors filled my ears
each left its mark as he could. But you were
other destinations, but none equal

or their voices in the walls. Women

myself touched her sheets were
as evidence of light, its chords pilgrims.
Harp fills my nights
with bells in their rites.
Is my door open if an oversight
the returns
to meet my hand gratefully.


you listening
the city maintains its mysteries
the steps, the alley
and Bicycle Sundays
Neruda's poems and Nervo
nude photos of the paintings.
sad than before and the light is not the problem nor a verse

Witman and dreaming Salgary
thousand miles for a trip without your clothes
when this city was another
like ourselves. ****************************

sent from:

José Miguel R. Ortiz (iskra)
Social Action
http://iskra-sbxyo . /

* The good part is that planting seed
is bearing fruit everywhere * José Martí
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Sponsored
both projects: Hermanos Saiz Association, Ministry of Culture
Cuba, National Council of Houses of Culture, National Council of Plastic Arts
, City of Culture Plaza and Casa de la Cultura Plaza

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